HIRSCHFELD, Magnus; Sittengeschichte des Weltkrieges

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From newsletter 24:

15 HIRSCHFELD, Magnus Les homosexuels de Berlin. Le troisi?me sexe. Paris, Jules Rousset, 1908. Original wrappers. (4), 104 p. Uncut. First edition. Foot of backstrip damaged. Cover a bit used and bruised.

€ 60

* French translation of Berlins drittes Geschlecht (1908). With a publisher's stamp 'Hommage de l'?diteur' and blindstamp 'Biblioth?que de l'Ind?pendance Belge'. And a modern Belgian bookseller's stamp.


16 HIRSCHFELD, Magnus Oorzaken en wezen van het uranisme (Liefde voor hetzelfde geslacht). Amsterdam, G.P. Tierie, 1904. Original wrappers. (8), 178 p. First edition. With folding illustrations. Spine repaired with sellotape, with typed title tickets. Name former owner (T. Mulder) with blue color pencil and stamp on upper cover, and stamped on title page. Old reparation in lower cover.

€ 160

* Translated and with an introduction (20 pages) by Arnold Aletrino. The owner?s names notwithstanding, a very acceptable copy with its original yellow wrappers. The first substantial work about homosexuality translated into Dutch, a revelation for many homosexuals, but also for the homophobe government of the Netherlands in the early 1900?s. Early Hirschfeld translation.


From newsletter 23:

39 HIRSCHFELD, Magnus, (Ed.) Jahrbuch für sexuelle Zwischenstufen mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Homosexualität. Herausgegeben unter Mitwirkung namhafter Autoren im Namen des wissenschaftlich-humanitären Komitees. 6. Jahrgang. Leipzig, Max Spohr, 1904. Original cloth-backed boards. IV, 744 p. Illustrated. First edition. Binding a bit worn, lower cover slightly soiled. Still a very good copy.

€ 220

* Sixth Yearbook of the voluminous scientific series about (mainly) homosexuality, a real Fundgrube. In this volume a.o. the original version of 'The Uranian before the Church and the Holy Scripture' by Caspar Wirz, the result of very early statistical research by Magnus Hirschfeld about the percentage of homosexuals, medical research of 103 men with a uterus and of 58 menstruating hermaphrodites; the preliminary presentation of a model of sex differences by L.S.A.M. von Römer, an important article about the personality of August von Platen by elusive scientist Ludwig Frey, and last but not least the almost 200 pages of the bibliography of publications about homosexuality in the year of Our Lord 1903.

Two bearded women

les cigares charbonnaient

From newsletter 21:

18.  HIRSCHFELD, Magnus Sittengeschichte des Weltkrieges. (Inscribed by the Author). Leipzig-Wien, Verlag für Sexualwissenschaft Schneider & Co., (1930). Vol. 1. Original cloth with dust jacket. XX, 416 p. Richly illustrated. First edition. DJ a bit coffee stained. Binding worn, damaged and a bit warped. 

€ 800

* Poor copy, but with 3-line AUTHOR'S DEDICATION: 's.l. Dr. Günter Tessmann,/ der hochverdienter Erforscher/ der Seelen u. Sitten der Völker/ (hard to read, possibly 'vom Herausgeber')/ Dr. Magnus Hirschfeld./ Berlin I.f.S.W. 2/IX 30.'.

In turn, Tessmann gave the book to Felix Bryk, the Swedish anthropologist and entomologist, author of Dark Rapture. The Sex-life of The African Negro (1939), which is a translation of Neger-Eros (1928), as is testified by an inscription of Tessmann, dated 'Berlin, den 11 August 1936'. Anthropologist and explorator Günter Tessmann (1884-1969) went into exile to Brazil from Nazi-Germany in 1936.

(s.l. = 'seinem lieben': 'to his dear Dr. Günter Tessmann, the outstanding researcher of the minds and customs of the nations, from the publisher Dr. Magnus Hirschfeld. Berlin, Institute for Sexual Science, September 2 1930'. Tessmann's dedication: 'To his dear Felix Bryk in friendly remembrance to Dr. Günter Tessmann'.)

About the work of anthropologists Tessmann (who appears to have been bisexual) and Bryk and their relevance for Hirschfeld, there is a very interesting article in Anthropologica. Vol. 48, No. 2, 2006. '"Bisexuality" and the Politics of Normal in African Ethnography' by Mark Epprecht, p. 187-202.

Books inscribed by Hirschfeld are rare.

From newsletter 20:

26. (HIRSCHFELD, Magnus). VIERECK, George Sylvester Schijnwerpers. De problemen van onzen tijd in gesprekken met grooten onzer dagen. Nederlandsche bewerking door Johan W. Schotman. Leiden, Sijthoff, 1931. Decorated cloth with design by P.A.H. Hofman. Illustrated with photos. First edition. Excellent copy with almost all delicate decoration elements in gold, sea green (spine) and red still present. Name in pencil on p. 1.

€ 30

* Translation from the original German into Dutch of Schlagschatten. Sechsundzwanzig Schicksalsfragen an Große dieser Zeit (1930). Interviews with Barbusse, Briand, Clemenceau, Einstein, Queen Elisabeth of België, Henry Ford, Freud, Frank Harris, Gerhardt Hauptmann, Hindenburg, Magnus Hirschfeld, Ludendorff, Albert Moll, Mussolini, Hjalmar Schacht, Arthur Schnitzler, Schrenck-Notzing, Shaw, Steinach, the German Emperor Wilhelm II, Israel Zangwill and others. With a lot of attention for Judaism. Attractive binding.

From newsletter 19:

18. (HIRSCHFELD, Magnus). WILDENHAIN, Felix Liebe ein Naturgesetz. Ein Film-Vortrag über die Beziehungen zwischen Mann und Weib in der Natur. Without place and publisher, [1933]. 8 p. without cover as published, all printed in carmine. Illustrated. Slightly creased.

€ 35

* 'Unter Zugrundelegung der Forschungsergebnisse von Professor Haeckel (...), Dr. Magnus Hirschfeld, Dr. Iwan Bloch, Havelock Ellis, (...) Artur Schopenhauer und Wolfgang von Goethe.' One would not expect Hirschfeld's and Bloch's name to be mentioned in a film advertisement from 1933!

From newsletter 18:

15. HIRSCHFELD, Magnus Sexual Anomalies and Perversions. Physical and Psychological Development and Treatment. A Summary of the Works of the Late Professor Dr. Magnus Hirschfeld. Compiled as a Humble Memorial by his Pupils. A Textbook for Students, Psychologists, Criminologists, Probation Officers, Judges and Educationists. London, Torch Publishing Company Ltd., (about 1950). Cloth with dust jacket. 630 p. DJ a bit worn at the edges.

€ 20

* With interesting case studies.

From newsletter 16:

11. (HIRSCHFELD, Magnus). KOTOWSKI, Elke-Vera, & SCHOEPS, Julius (ed.) Der Sexualreformer Magnus Hirschfeld. Ein Leben im Spannungsfeld von Wissenschaft, Politik und Gesellschaft. Berlin, be.bra wissenschaft verlag, 2004. Original wrappers. 400 p. First edition. New and still in plastic.

€ 20

* Collection of important essays.

12. (HIRSCHFELD, Magnus) Titus-Perlen. Wissenschaftliches Sexual-Hormon-Präparat nach Vorschrift von Sanitätsrat Dr. Magnus Hirschfeld unter ständiger klinischer Kontrolle des Instituts für Sexualwissenschaft, Berlin. Mit gesichtertem Gehalt an Keimdrüsen-Hormonen und standartisiertem Hypophysenvorderlappen-Hormon. Berlin-Pankow, 'Titus', 1930. Original illustrated wrappers. 36 p. printed on art paper. Illustrated (partly in colors). First edition. Wrappers soiled, edges worn.

€ 35

* Advertising brochure for hormone medication developed in the 1920's by Magnus Hirschfeld in his Institute for Sexual Science. 'Titus Pearls' contained 'testifortan', that helped achieve various ways of sexual gratification. Several enthusiastic user reports printed at the end.

From newsletter 15:

9. HIRSCHFELD, Magnus, & LINSERT, Richard Empfängnisverhütung. Mittel und Methoden. Berlin, Neuer Deutscher Verlag, 1930. Original wrappers. 48 p. (+ 2). 6th enlarged edition. Small label on upper cover. A bit foxed, backstrip worn.

Free if you order another book of this list

* About contraception. With the questionnaire.

From newsletter 14:

10.  (HIRSCHFELD, Magnus). ROYER, Louis-Charles L'Amour en Allemagne. Choses vues. Paris, Les Éditions de France, (1932). Original wrappers. (8), 276 p. Reprint: 130th thousand. Backstrip worn, part of lower cover missing. Poor copy.

Free with an order of another of our books

* Somewhat sensational stories about variants of love in Germany. With a lot of attention for and inside information from Hirschfeld's Institute for Sexual Science. 

From newsletter 13:

12. HIRSCHFELD, Magnus Die Homosexualität des Mannes und des Weibes. Berlin, Louis Marcus, 1920. 23 x 16 cm. Original wrappers. XVIII, 1072 p. Second edition. Spine a bit discoloured, binding slightly worn and soiled. Bookplate. Tiny inscription on flyleaf.

€ 50

* A very good copy of a voluminous work so thick (8 cm) that it is easily damaged. 97 years after its first publication (1914) still a standard work! With three useful indexes. Exact reprint of the 1914 edition, save for the extra preface, that dates from 1920. The last edition to be published during Hirschfeld’s life. After a few partial reprints, a complete issue was published in 1984 and in 2001.

From newsletter 12:

10. HIRSCHFELD, Magnus Sexualität und Kriminalität. Überblick über Verbrechen geschlechtlichen Ursprungs Wien Berlin Leipzig New York, Interterritorialer Verlag 'Renaissance' (Erdtracht), 1924. Original cloth-backed boards. 104 p. With 3 p. of publisher's advertisements. First edition. Edges a bit discoloured, but a very good copy.

€ 25

* Nice binding blocked in white on dark grey boards.

From newsletter 11:

10 HIRSCHFELD, Magnus Oorzaken en wezen van het uranisme [Liefde voor hetzelfde geslacht]. Amsterdam, G.P. Tierie, 1904. Original wrappers. (8), 178 p. With (folding) illustrations. First edition. Backstrip worn, cover loose and stained, dog's ears.

€ 75

* With introduction (20 pages) by A. Aletrino. Poor copy of the rare Dutch translation of Ursachen und Wesen des Uranismus, that was first published in the Jahrbuch für sexuelle Zwischenstufen 1903.

From newsletter 10:

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Newsletter 10 (December, 2010)

Hirschfeld Duplex

~ varied items ~

ANDROS, Phil / STEWARD, Samuel M. Two books with personal dedications. 1. Samuel M. Steward: Chapters from an Autobiography. San Francisco, Grey Fox Press, (1981). xii, 150 p. Some wear, with author's visiting card and a newspaper clipping. Inscribed 'For (x)/ in memory of a/ hot night in St. Tropez/ with a wild woodland/ creature/ Sam Steward/ 1-IX-87/ Berkeley'.

2. Phil Andros (= Samuel M. Steward): Below the Belt & Other Stories. San Francisco, Perineum Press, 1983. xii, 132 p. Later edition. Cover art by Tom of Finland. With publisher's folder for the Phil Andros series: a leporello mentioning seven titles, with 8 illustrations by Tom of Finland. The book is inscribed 'For (x)/ [oh, to be 60 years/ younger!]/ Phil Andros/ 1-IX-87/ Berkeley'.

€ 55

* Sizzling books by longtime gay erotica writer Samuel Steward (1909-1993), who started as a professor of English, then turned to be a tattoo artist, ending his distinguished career as a writer of many rough trade gay books.

BAHN, Walter Meine Klienten. Beiträge zur modernen Inquisition von Rechtsanwalt Walter Bahn. Berlin/ Leipzig, Hermann Seemann Nachfolger, [1908]. 23 x 15 cm. Orig. wrappers. 120 p. (including 7 pages of interesting, partly illustrated advertisements). With a facsimile. 3th printing. Backstrip damaged. Cover worn and loose. Text paper browned.

€ 22

* About the murder process of Theodor Berger and the famous Captain of Köpenick. Walter Bahn was the lawyer of Magnus Hirschfeld's Scientific Humanitarian Committe (W.h.K.), but there's nothing about the Committee in these memoirs. Series 'Grossstadt-Dokumente' 42.

BECKFORD, William Vathek. Réimprimé sur l' original Français, avec la préface de Stéphane Mallarmé. Paris, Perrit & Cie, 1893. Original wrappers. (4), XLVIII, 208 p. Uncut. Tiny tears and some square millimeters of the wrapper edges missing. Backstrip browned. Foxed.

€ 50

* With 48 pages foreword by Mallarmé.

BESANT, Walter, & James Rice Ready-money Mortiboy. A Matter-of-Fact Story. London, Chatto & Windus, 1902. Attractive pictorial wrappers (by Geo Hutchinson). 176 pp. with various nice ads. New (popular) edition. Delicate book is fairly well preserved, only the backstrip is a little worn and discoloured, and strengthened with scotch tape. Corners slightly chipped. Some foxing. Two modern bookplates of collector A.S.A. Struik (who specialized in rare book covers).

€ 15

BRUGÈRE, F. de la L'école du jardinier amateur, fleuriste et potager. Notions élémentaires de botanique, du sol et de ses améliorations - Multiplication des plantes, éducation et culture des plantes, conservation des plantes - Jardin potager et plantes potageres, jardins paysagers, jardins fleuristes.

Paris, Anthème Fayard, about 1890. With 820 wood engravings in the text and 16 extratext chromolithographies. (4), 604 p. A few tears and creases, bound in a simple, sturdy contemporary cloth binding. Partly a bit browned, some isolated paper tears.

€ 50

* Detailed encyclopedia of gardening, comprising all sorts of different utensils, describing (with illustrations) many different beetles and other plagues, bats, moles, birds, winds; many varieties of trees, apples, pears and other fruits, roses, vines, artichokes, carrots, champignons, beans, potatos, flowers, aloes, draconias, laurels, and many other plants, illustrated with 820 nice wood engravings.

BRÜSSEL 1910 Kollektiv-Ausstellung der Deutschen Präzisions-Mechanik und Optik. Veranstaltet von der deutschen Gesellschaft für Mechanik und Optik. Brüssel 1910. (Trade catalogue). (Leipzig, Hermann Hönnicke Kunst-Anstalt, 1910). Original decorated cloth. (2), XVI, 144 p. Many technical illustrations. First edition. Ticket from an optics seller (Robert Drosten, Brussels) on cover, stamp on title page. Binding a bit soiled, otherwise fine.

€ 50

* Exposition catalog for the World Exposition in Brussels, 1910, of German precision mechanics and optics. Full of attractive advertisements of Carl Zeiss-Jena and other technical factories in Germany. Accomplished printing on art paper.

CAGNER, Ewert, & Ake GUSTAFSSON Hokuspokus. ('Movable' book). Gothenburg, TreTryckare, [1952]. 28 x 11 cm. Cloth-backed boards. 28 p., of which 24 are divided in half horizontally in order to make possible dozens of combinations of people. A bit browned.

€ 25

* A fantastic Swedish book of humorous illustrations.

CAUSLEY, Monroe S. Arthur W. Rushmore & the Golden Hind Press. A History & Bibliography. Published in association with The Madison Public Library, Madison, New Jersey. Delaware, Oak Knoll Press, 2005. 30 x 22 cm. Leather-backed marbled boards. With a marbled slipcase. XVIII, 178 p. Illustrated. Printed in 170 numbered copies, all signed by the author. This is nr. 169. Errata slip included. 1st edition. Fine copy.

€ 80

* Extensive bibliography. Tipped-in specimen of marbled paper and other illustrations.

CROWLEY, Aleister White Stains. Edited with an Introduction by John Symonds. Londen, Duckworth, 1973. Leatherette with dust jacket. xvi, 120 p. Printed in 1000 numbered copies. Jacket a bit creased (it looks worse in the scan). Bookseller's mark of W.N. Schors.

€ 60

* Reprint of the pornographic-satanistic volume of poetry (1898), that was largely destroyed by British customs. Hetero, homo (A strong man's love is my delight!'), sado ('Pain is our joy and our spirits' power/ Never shall fade its fiery flower'), uro ('Let my fond lips but drink thy golden wine'), copro, bestio (With Dog and Dame), necro... there's something for everybody, often in dexterous rhymes. Some poems in French: 'Clitoridette, m'amourette...'. Amusing and attractive book, with its white binding sporting Crowley's erotic monogramme.

DEMOUSTIER, C.-A. Lettres à Émilie sur la mythologie. Paris, Ant. Aug. Renouard, 1809. 6 parts in 2 volumes. 3/4 cloth with marbled boards (very slightly worn), first half of 19th century. VIII, 144; 128; 104. 96; 116; 148 p. Many fine engravings by Jean-Michel Moreau le jeune.

€ 75

* Lessons about mythology for girls, a popular book since its first publication in 1786. Exquisite edition by the learned bibliophile and publisher on beautiful white paper by Pierre Didot l'Aîné.

DESCHAMPS, Andrée Éther, Cocaïne, Hachich, Peyotl et démence précoce. Essai d'Exploration Pharmacodynamique du Psychisme des Déments précoces. Paris, Éditions Véga, 1932. 25 x 17 cm. Original wrappers. (2), 210 p. Uncut. First edition. Excellent copy.

€ 160

* Rare and early study about the influence of hallucinogenics. Many detailed case histories. Thesis.

GARNIER Étrennes Garnier. Noël 1951. Parijs, Garnier, 1951. 27 x 19 cm. Leporello. 8 p. Illustrated. 4 p. in colors, 4 in black-and-white. Large advertisement label on first page. Tiny edge tears and a bit of foxing.

€ 18

* Three pages of ads for Benjamin Rabier. Interesting publisher's advertisements with clear depictions of typical French binding methods: half vellum decorated with an original watercolor, or 'demi basane bigarrée, genre ancien, fers spéciaux noir et or, tête fantaisie'.

GIDE, André Interviews imaginaires. Yverdon & Lausanne, Éditions du Haut-Pays, 1943. 25 x 18 cm. Original wrappers. (2), 146 p. Uncut. One of 1429 numbered copies on 'volumineux vergé bouffant' (total number 1460 exx.). Printed in red and black. First edition. Cover a tiny bit discolored.

€ 25

* Collection of 17 essays in the form of imaginary interviews.

(GOOR, Gaston). BANDELLO, Matteo Histoires plaisantes. Traduites de l'Italien de René Novella. Gravures sur verre et illustrations par GOOR. Monaco, À la voile latine, (1950). Loose in illustrated wrappers, as issued, two volumes together in a cardboard cover and a box. 154; 144 p. Richly illustrated with engravings and vignettes. Printed in red and black in 950 numbered copies; this is one of 40 on 'papier pur fil à la forme des papeteries Johannot', each with an original drawing by Goor. Name of the happy owner printed in the colophon. First edition. Covers foxed, otherwise books fine. Box a bit soiled.

€ 220

* The original drawing is a design in ink for a vignette, with tiny signature 'G.' Naughty stories of the sixteenth century. Spicy engravings and many fine lascivious vignettes, inspired by renaissance motifs.

GORON, M.-F. Pariser Liebe. Memoiren. Mit Original-Illustrationen von J. Wely. (Vol. I). Paris & Leipzig, F. Krüger, 1899. Original decorated cloth. 240 p. First episode cover (in color) bound in as title. First German edition. Cover a bit soiled; a bit loose.

€ 20

* First part of L'Amour criminel. Lively illustrations by Jacques Wely, all dating from 1899.

HANKES DRIELSMA-DE KRABBÉ, M. Homo Duplex. Légende d'un coeur perdu en quatre actes et un épilogue. Paris, Bernard Grasset, 1928. 4to. Orig. wrappers. 120 p. Uncut. With erratum sheet. Printed in 550 numbered copies on Madagascar des Papeteries Lafuma. With an original coloured lithograph and some vignettes by Robert Bonfils. First edition. Cover slightly browned.

€ 45

* Play with homosexual content. The author Marguerite de Krabbé (Kopenhagen 1876-Wassenaar 1929), daughter of a Danish Minister of Defence, married journalist and lawyer Albert Julius Hankes Drielsma (1880-1971).

HARLAND, Henry My Friend Prospero. A Novel. New York, McClure, Phillips & Co., 1904. Original gilt boards. (4), 318 p. Top gilt. Uncut. First Edition. Stamp on flyleaf, backstrip and cover a little discoloured.

€ 40

* Deluxe edition: one of 500 numbered copies with coloured frontispice and a portrait of the author, signed in the plate.

HILLER, Kurt Gustav Wyneken's Erziehungslehre und der Aktivismus. Hannover, Paul Steegemann Verlag, 1919. Die Silbergäule 4. Original wrappers. 28 p. (9 pages of advertisements for books). First edition. Very good copy.

€ 45

HIRSCHFELD, Magnus Berlins Drittes Geschlecht. Berlin, Hermann Seemann Nachfolger, 1907. 23 x 15 cm. Orig. wrappers. 80 p. (including 10 pages of interesting, partly illustrated advertisements). 3th printing. Backstrip damaged. Cover worn and loose. Text paper browned.

€ 40

* About 'Berlin's Third Sex' or homosexuality in that thriving industrial metropolis of the beginning of the 20th century. A very fragile book. Series 'Grossstadt-Dokumente' 3. Added: Hans Ostwald: Zuhältertum. Third edition. Series 'Grossstadt-Dokumente' 5. 96 p. (12 pages of interesting advertisements). Poor copy: front cover missing.

HIRSCHFELD, Magnus Les homosexuels de Berlin. Le troisième sexe. Paris, Jules Rousset, 1908. Original wrappers. (4), 104 p. Uncut. First edition. Excellent copy.

€ 60

* French translation of Berlins drittes Geschlecht (1908).


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From newsletter 9:

11.  HIRSCHFELD, Magnus Die Weltreise eines Sexualforschers. Mit 47 Abbildungen. Brugg, Bözberg, 1933. Original gilt cloth. XII, 396 p. Illustrated. First edition. Former owner's stamp on title page, otherwise an excellent copy. 

€ 38

* Account of Hirschfeld's final world tour, that brought him in the end to Paris instead of Berlin in 1933. 

From newsletter 8:

12  HIRSCHFELD, Magnus, (Ed.) Jahrbuch für sexuelle Zwischenstufen mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Homosexualität. Herausgegeben unter Mitwirkung namhafter Autoren im Namen des wissenschaftlich-humanitären Komitees. 6. Jahrgang. Leipzig, Max Spohr, 1904. Original cloth-backed boards. IV, 744 p. Illustrated. First edition. Binding a bit worn and loosening, first four pages loose. Two stamps and inscription in pencil. 

€ 220

* Sixth Yearbook of the voluminous scientific series about (mainly) homosexuality, a real Fundgrube. In this volume among others the original version of 'The Uranian before the Church and the Holy Scripture' by Caspar Wirz, the result of very early statistical research by Magnus Hirschfeld of the percentage of homosexuals, medical research of 103 men with a uterus and of 58 menstruating hermaphrodites; the preliminary presentation of a model of sex differences by L.S.A.M. von Römer, an important article about the psyche of August von Platen by elusive scientist Ludwig Frey, and last but not least the almost 200 pages of the bibliography of publications about homosexuality in the year of Our Lord 1903.

13  HIRSCHFELD, Magnus, (Ed.) Jahrbuch für sexuelle Zwischenstufen mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Homosexualität. Herausgegeben unter Mitwirkung namhafter Autoren im Namen des wissenschaftlich-humanitären Komitees. 5. Jahrgang. Leipzig, Max Spohr, 1903. Two volumes. Contemporary bindings: three-quarter cloth with marbled boards, titles from original wrappers pasted on spines. (8), 706; (4, 664) p. Illustrated. First edition. Bindings rubbed. Slight traces of use. 

€ 325

* With nice bookplate of the Dutch physician Louis Heijermans (1873-1938), author of several medical and sexological books, and a brother of the author Herman Heijermans. This Fifth Yearbook is one of the most extensive and interesting of the 23 Jahrbücher with large contributions by Hirschfeld himself, Lucien von Römer (his well-illustrated and extensively researched ‘About the Androgynic Idea of Life’), Ferdinand Karsch-Haack, Franz Neugebauer and Numa Praetorius (Eugen Wilhelm).

24  MERLET, Janine Vénus et Mercure. Paris, Éditions de la Vie Moderne, 1931. Original wrappers. 236 p. Illustrated. First edition. With yellow belly band: 'Le plus sensationnel document sur la prostitution.' 

€ 30

* A detailed description of prostitution, especially in Paris, with many revealing illustrations, not so much of nude ladies, but of the circumstances in which prostitutes lived. Very interesting is one of few existing detailed and illustrated descriptions of Magnus Hirschfeld's Institute for Sexual Science in Berlin, which was founded in 1919 and in 1933 destroyed by the Nazis on Book Burning Day. 

From newsletter 7:

12.  HIRSCHFELD, Magnus Naturgesetze der Liebe. Eine gemeinverständliche Untersuchung über den Liebes-Eindruck, Liebes-Drang und Liebes-Ausdruck mit 2 erläuternden Tafeln in Farbendruck. Berlin, Alfred Pulvermacher & Co., 1912. Nice original decorated cloth. (4), 284 p. Two diagrams in colors. First edition. Backstrip slightly worn. Some underlining and a few notes in pencil, in the index some underlining in ink. 

€ 55

* 'Nature Laws of Love'. Popular sexological work by Hirschfeld.

From newsletter 6:

10  HIRSCHFELD, Magnus, (Ed.) Jahrbuch für sexuelle Zwischenstufen mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Homosexualität. Herausgegeben unter Mitwirkung namhafter Autoren im Namen des wissenschaftlich-humanitären Komitees. 6. Jahrgang. Leipzig, Max Spohr, 1904. Original cloth-backed boards. IV, 744 p. Illustrated. First edition. Binding a bit worn and loosening, first four pages loose. Two stamps and inscription in pencil. 

€ 220

* Sixth Yearbook of the voluminous scientific series about intermediate sexuality, mainly homosexuality, a real mine of information. In this volume among others the original version of 'The Uranian before the Church and the Holy Scripture' by Caspar Wirz, the result of very early statistical research by Magnus Hirschfeld of the percentage of homosexuals, medical research of 103 men with a uterus and of 58 menstruating hermaphrodites; the preliminary presentation of a model of sex differences by L.S.A.M. von Römer, an important article about the psyche of August von Platen by elusive scientist Ludwig Frey, and last but not least the almost 200 pages of the bibliography of publications about homosexuality in the year of Our Lord 1903.

Two bearded women:

From newsletter 5:

6  HIRSCHFELD, Magnus Sappho und Sokrates. Wie erklärt sich die Liebe der Männer und Frauen zu Personen des eigenen Geschlechts? Leipzig, Max Spohr, 1902. 8vo. Original wrappers. A few graphs included in the text. 36 p. Second edition. Light green cover a bit discolored at the edges. 

€ 900

* With a rare AUTOGRAPH DEDICATION on upper cover in Hirschfeld's characteristic, very large hand to George Ives, dated '18/8 07'. Second edition of the first publication about homosexuality by Magnus Hirschfeld, which was published in 1896 under the pen-name Th. Ramien, with a preface for the second edition (20 lines).

7  HIRSCHFELD, Magnus, (Ed.) Jahrbuch für sexuelle Zwischenstufen mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Homosexualität. Herausgegeben unter Mitwirkung namhafter Autoren im Namen des wissenschaftlich-humanitären Komitees. 5. Jahrgang. Leipzig, Max Spohr, 1903. Two volumes. Contemporary bindings: three-quarter cloth with marbled boards, titles from original wrappers pasted on spines. (8), 706; (4, 664) p. Illustrated. First edition. Bindings rubbed. Slight traces of use. 

€ 325

* With nice bookplate of the Dutch physician Louis Heijermans (1873-1938), author of several medical and sexological books, and a brother of the author Herman Heijermans.

This vol. 5 is one of the most extensive and interesting of the 23 Jahrbücher with large contributions by Hirschfeld himself, Lucien von Römer (his well-illustrated and extensively researched ‘About the Androgynic Idea of Life’), Ferdinand Karsch-Haack, Franz Neugebauer and Numa Praetorius (Eugen Wilhelm).

From newsletter 4:

7  (HIRSCHFELD, Magnus) Titus-Perlen. Wissenschaftliches Sexual-Hormon-Präparat nach Vorschrift von Sanitätsrat Dr. Magnus Hirschfeld unter ständiger klinischer Kontrolle des Instituts für Sexualwissenschaft, Berlin. Mit gesichtertem Gehalt an Keimdrüsen-Hormonen und standartisiertem Hypophysenvorderlappen-Hormon. Berlin-Pankow, 'Titus', 1930. Original illustrated wrappers. 36 p. printed on art paper. Illustrated (partly in colors). First edition. Very good copy, with a few pencil additions. 

€ 45

* Advertisement for hormone medication developed in the 1920's by Magnus Hirschfeld in his Institute for Sexual Science. 'Titus Pearls', a chemical mix of hormones, corticosteroids and traditional aphrodisiacs, helped achieve various ways of sexual gratification. Several enthusiastic user reports printed at the end. With a special loose insert on pink paper, dated '30.3.1931' in which 'I.H.', a former government minister (born 1851) asserts that Titus Pearls helped to improve his memory and that - as by the movement of a wand - his somnolent sexuality has been animated again. Hmmm…

From newsletter 1:

7.  HIRSCHFELD ed., Magnus Zeitschrift für Sexualwissenschaft. 1908. I. Halbjahr. Leipzig, Georg H. Wigand's Verlag, 1908. Bound in a cloth binding with title on spine. (4), 384 p. First edition. Bookplate. Slight wear. 

€ 120

* Rare magazine, published by Hirschfeld when his Jahrbuch für sexuelle Zwischenstufen had temporarily floundered.