GAVARNI; Oeuvres nouvelles

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From newsletter 20:

10. CAPE, Jonathan Now and Then. A Periodical of Books & Personalities Published Occasionally from Thirty Bedford Square by Jonathan Cape. Nrs. 30-62. London, Jonathan Cape, Winter 1928-Spring 1939. 33 issues. Original wrappers. 48 pages each. Illustrated. With some extras (prospectuses). First editions. Yapp edges a bit worn.

€ 160

* A cornucopia of short reviews, biographic articles, pictures and some stories and poems, published by Jonathan Cape (and Harper & Brothers). Added: War-time issues Nr. 1 & 2, Winter 1939 and Spring 1940. Attractive designs.

From newsletter 3:

7.  HALL, Radclyffe The Well of Loneliness. With a commentary by Havelock Ellis. Paris, Pegasus Press, 1928. Cloth with dust jacket. 512 p. Uncut. DJ a bit creased and (at the lower side) partly discolored, backstrip slightly soiled. Lower cover a bit worn. 

€ 40

* First Pegasus Press edition, published in September 1928. Two Jonathan Cape editions in July and August 1928 had been distributed, but then the book was suppressed. Cape's partner brought the molds of the book to Paris, where this first continental printing was made. Rare with dust jacket (containing some press notices; all four corners clipped as issued).