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From newsletter 24:

13 (FORSTER, E.M.) Erepromoties van Jean Schlumberger, Edward Morgan Forster, Victor Emanuel van Vriesland op 23 Juni 1954. Redevoeringen. Rijksuniversiteit Leiden Leiden, Universitaire Pers Leiden, 1954. Original wrappers. 24 p. First edition. With an unsigned dedication in pencil by 'un des auteurs', probably Prof. A.G.H. Bachrach, the promotor of Forster, and a pencil note of the owner. Name of Forster on the cover has been underscored.

€ 45

* Very rare official publication of Leyden University for the occasion of the honorary doctorates of Jean Schlumberger, E.M. FORSTER and V.E. van Vriesland. With laudatory speeches of the three promotors, Sem Dresden, A. Bachrach and P. Minderaa, and of Schlumberger (mentioning Forster, too). In French, English and Dutch. With the formulas in Latin of the honorary doctorates. Unusual!