(GRAHAM, Rigby). WINWOOD, David.

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From newsletter 14:

11.  KRAFFT-EBING, R. von Psychopathia Sexualis. Mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der conträren Sexualempfindung. Eine medicinisch-gerichtliche Studie für Ärzte und Juristen. 12. verbesserte und vermehrte Auflage. Stuttgart, Ferdinand Enke, 1903. 3/4 leather binding. (2), X, 440 p. 12th edition. Binding somewhat worn, spine partly split. Ticket on spine. Stamp of the Bibliotheca Carmelitana, Wegberg. Corner of first page almost torn off. 

€ 45

* The last edition that was updated by Krafft-Ebing himself (1840-1902), or 'Ausgabe letzter Hand'. 

From newsletter 7:

15.  KRAFFT-EBING, R. von Psychopathia Sexualis, with especial reference to the Contrary Sexual Instinct: A Medico-Legal Study. Authorized Translation of the 7th Enlarged and Revised German Edition by Charles Gilbert Chaddock, M.D. Philadelphia / London, F.A. Davis / F.J. Rebman, 1895. 24 x 16,5 cm. Cloth. (2), xiv, 438 p. Binding a bit worn, owner's marks on flyleaf, but a very good copy.

€ 35

* Former owners: Samuel Eugene Stevens M.D. (born 1839, author of The Economy of Misery, 1915) and J. Kingsley Stevens. The first edition in English appeared 1892.