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Newsletter 1 (April 28, 2010)  

Mrs. Oneleg and other Echoes of Life 

- 21 varied items - 


1.  BENSON, Stella Mrs Oneleg. (Typescript, signed in blue ink). Two leaves, typed on one side only. Not dated (probably 1925-1930). 26,0 x 20,3 cm. 95 lines. Two corrections, one in ink and one in pencil. Pin holes at left upper side and some waterstains. 

€ 150

* Passionate and lively plea marked 'Confidential' for a pension for Benson's friend 'Mrs Oneleg', a crippled paper bag maker, who 'after a life of tameless energy, cheerful profanity and selfless kindness, has become a Parish Case'. It is not quite clear for whom this loving portrait of a London East End character was meant; it may be a short story, but it ends concretely enough with a plan for collecting 15/- a week as a 'Lord George Govvament Pension' for Mrs. Oneleg, who is 'with her 59 years too young for a real pension and doesn't want to depend on church charity'.

Stella Benson (1892-1933) was an English novelist and feminist who also wrote about China.

2.  BIRD & BULL PRESS. Hans SCHMOLLER Mr. Gladstone's Washi. A Survey of Reports on the Manufacture of Paper in Japan. The Parkes Report of 1871. Newtown, PA, Bird & Bull Press, 1984. 30 x 22 cm. Morocco-backed boards with a suite of illustrations in a folder, together in a slipcase. Illustrated and with a section printed on fine handmade Gampi paper. Printed in 500 numbered copies. First edition. With prospect. Slipcase a bit browned at one edge. 

€ 160

* The Parkes report made in 1871 for William Gladstone about the manufacture of paper in Japan, with 20 full-size color reproductions of Japanese watercolors depicting papermaking. A sumptuous book production!


3.  DAUDET, Alphonse Handwritten and signed telegram to Henry Céard, dated June 24, 1888. 'Télégramme' on blue paper with postage stamp dated '24 Juin 88', with on the adress side 'Henry Céard/ bibliothèque - Carnavalet/ rue Sévigné'. 13,3 x 11,0 cm. Four lines. A bit soiled. 

€ 150

* To 'mon cher Céard'. 'Voulez-vous venir dîner ce soir avec nous.' Madame Daudet will cook. 'Il n'y a que Goncourt.' 'Votre très dévoué/ Alph. Daudet'. Three or four words that I couldn't read present a challenge to the expert.

The author and librarian Henry Céard (1851-1924) was a good friend of Daudet. Together with a.o. Huysmans, Maupassant, and Zola, a circle close with Daudet, he was a member of the 'Groupe de Médan'. In 1899 Céard wrote the preface for Daudet's posthumous Collected Works.

4.  DAUDET, Léon Le voyage de Shakespeare. Illustrations de G. Goor. Paris, Éditions du Capitole, 1927. 24 x 17,5 cm. Illustrated wrappers. 418 p. Uncut. With folding map (in Peutinger style) of Shakespeare's voyage of 1584. Printed in 1680 numbered copies, of which this is one of 1400 on Alfa Vélin Francia. 1st edition. Fresh copy, but backstrip a bit creased with a small tear at the foot.  

€ 240

* With 46 full-page illustrations and 8 vignettes after Gaston Goor. A friendly letter by Goor has been tipped in, dated '30 janv. 1927', 36 lines addressed to (Louis) Brulé and unclearly signed, mentioning several books the author of the letter is illustrating, among them 'des Contes de Maurras' (1928) and this book, 'Le Voyage de Shakespeare - le seul livre qui m'intéresse réellement comme illustrateur'. The letter also mentions as the address '14. Cité Falguière', a house built especially for artists, who had their ateliers here. Modigliani, Brancusi, Foujita and Soutine had lived at this address. With a pencil illustration of a lady with a parasol, the Notre Dame in the background: 'un échantillon sans valeur' de 'nos parisiennes'.

5.  HACHETTE Les livres d'étrennes de la Librairie Hachette.  Parijs, Librairie Hachette, (1927). Stapled. 32 p. Richly illustrated. Part of an advertising label on cover, same on title, very slight wear, yellowed.  

€ 15

* Extensive catalog for the new year 1928. Cover in red and black.

6.  HENLEY, W.E. Echoes of Life and Death. Forty-seven Lyrics. Portland, Maine, Thomas B. Mosher, 1908. 12mo. VI, 70 p. Printed in red and black on Japan vellum in one hundred copies and the type distributed. Vignettes. Inscription on flyleaf, otherwise a very good copy.  

€ 50

* Attractive little book on splendidly beautiful Japanese paper. Bishop 99.

7.  HIRSCHFELD ed., Magnus Zeitschrift für Sexualwissenschaft. 1908. I. Halbjahr. Leipzig, Georg H. Wigand's Verlag, 1908. Bound in a cloth binding with title on spine. (4), 384 p. First edition. Bookplate. Slight wear. 

€ 120

* Rare magazine, published by Hirschfeld when his Jahrbuch für sexuelle Zwischenstufen had temporarily floundered. 

8.  IBSEN, Henrik Peer Gynt. Et dramatisk digt. Kopenhagen/ London/ Berlin, Gyldendalske Boghandel, 1922. 17 x 11 cm. Original gilt full leather with slipcase. 242 p. Printed on India paper. Spine a bit discolored and very slightly chipped. 

€ 25

* Fine edition of this famous piece bound in bright red, soft fine leather with delicate gilt lines and motifs. Nice decorated slipcase.

9.  JOURDAN, Eric Les mauvais anges. Paris, Éditions de la Pensée Moderne, 1955. Original illustrated wrappers. 256 p. Uncut. 1st edition. Excellent copy.  

€ 75

* With a preface by Robert Margerit and Max-Pol Fouchet. A novel about the love between two schoolboys, written when the author was only 17 years old. Some controversial passages were blanked out by the publisher.

10.  KERTBENY, K.M. Album hundert ungrischer Dichter. In eignen und fremden Uebersetzungen herausgegeben durch C.M. Kertbeny. Dresden/ Pesth, Robert Schaefer/ Hermann Geibel, 1854. 14 x 10 cm. Richly gilt cloth (design R. Schubert). XX, 560 p. All edges gilt. First edition. Spine a bit discoloured, elegant old stamp on flyleaf, but a very attractive little book.  

€ 100

* With short biographies and other particularities of the 100 Hungarian poets and of the translators (including Kertbeny himself), a short bibliographical section and a list of words.

11.  PELLETIER-DOISY, Georges Mon Raid Paris-Tokyo. 48 bois originaux de Jacques Boullaire. (Paris, Société Anonyme des Ateliers d'Aviation Louis Bréguet, 1924). Oblong. 132 p. Uncut. Full-page illustrations and vignettes. Printed in 2000 numbered copies. First illustrated edition. Cover a bit worn and browned, lower wrapper with dog's ear. 

€ 65

* Pelletier-Doisy (1892-1953) pioneered his Bréguet 19 in the spring of 1924 in six weeks from Paris to Tokyo, where he was received by Paul Claudel as ambassador of France in Japan. Attractive art deco book with romantic original woodcut illustrations.

12.  POE, Edgar Allan Six poèmes. Ulalume, Le Corbeau, La Dormeuse, A Hélène, La Cité dans la Mer, Lénore. Traduits en vers Français par Lucie Delarue-Mardrus. Paris, Léon Pichon, 1922. 27,5 x 18,5 cm. Original wrappers. (2), 82 pp. Uncut. With the loose erratum sheet. Covers waterstained, otherwise a very nice book. 

€ 85

* French translation of six important poems of Edgar Allan Poe by Lucie Delarue-Mardrus (1875-1947), printed in green and black in a beautiful bilingual edition of only 103 numbered copies, that has not been reprinted. With the original English texts. This is one of 100 copies on heavy handmade Vélin à la Cuve des Papeteries d'Arches (Nr. 29).

13.  POE, Edgar Allan The Raven. (With illustrations by Dick Dooijes). Utrecht, Stichting De Roos, 1983. 31 x 24 cm. Bound as a Chinese block book. 16 p. Calligraphed by Dick Dooijes. Printed by Mart. Spruijt on Simili Japon in 175 numbered copies. Covers a bit discolored (as often). 

€ 30

* Large format. Stichting De Roos is a Dutch bibliophile society, founded in 1945. Leeflang 124.

14.  (POE, Edgar Allan). FREUD, Sigmund. SACHS, Hanns Edgar Poe. Bemerkungen zu Marie Bonapartes Biographie des Dichters. Von Hanns Sachs, Boston. Page 485-492 in Imago. Zeitschrift für psychoanalytische Psychologie, ihre Grenzgebiete und Anwendungen. Offizielles Organ der Internationalen Psychoanalytischen Vereinigung. Herausgegeben von Sigm. Freud. Vol. XX no. 4, 1934. Vienna, Internationaler Psychoanalytischer Verlag, 1934. Original yellow wrappers. (134) p. Uncut. First edition. Poor copy: covers browned and loose. Inside o.k.

€ 15

* Review of Marie Bonaparte's Poe biography. Also with contributions by a.o. Edmund Bergler/ Ludwig Jekels, Helene Deutsch ('Don Quijote und Donquijotismus'), Ernest Kris ('Zur Psychologie der Karikatur'), Robert Wälder and Alfred Winterstein.

15.  PURDY, James Collected Poems. Amsterdam, Athenaeum-Polak & Van Gennep, 1990. 22 x 15 cm. Cloth with DJ. 152 p. First Edition. 

€ 125

* One of 125 hardbound copies, numbered and signed by the author under the colophon. Total number of copies of Purdy's Collected Poems only 751 copies! With signed author's dedication: 'For Hans Evers/ Every good wish!/ Sincerely,/ James Purdy/ 15 maart 1990/ Amsterdam'.

16.  PÉLADAN, Joséphin Marion de Lorme. Histoire et légende. Paris, C. Dalou, 1888. Rebound in cloth-backed boards. (4), 100 p. Printed on Van Gelder mould-made paper in an unspecified numbered edition. First edition. After this book an 1889 text copy of Le Roi d'Ys by Édouard Blau (text of the opera by Lalo) has been bound in the half-cloth binding. 

€ 90

* A rather rare first edition of an early book by Péladan. 

17.  THE OLD STILE PRESS. MCDOWALL, Nicolas Robin Tanner & The Old Stile Press, being printed examples of twenty original patterned paper designs, with a personal memoir by Nicolas McDowall. Llandogo, The Old Stile Press, 1994. Tall format: 33 x 18 cm. Cloth-backed boards in a slipcase decorated with four samples of patterned paper. Printed in 195 numbered copies, signed by the author/ printer. 

€ 120

* Picture shows part of the slipcase. A beautiful paper sample edition.

18.  TUNISIA. Atlas PLM La Tunisie. Chemins de Fer Paris-Lyon-Méditerranée. Publication éditée avec le concours et la collaboration de la Résidence Générale de la Tunisie. Paris, J. Barreau, about 1930. 26,5 x 19 cm. Original illustrated wrappers. 20 p. Illustrated and with a map of Tunisia. Text printed in blue. Excellent copy. 

€ 40

* Deluxe tourist guide with very nice gilt art deco wrappers (front and back). With two colored illustrations after paintings and many small b/w illustrations after photographs.

19.  (VALE PRESS). APULEIUS, Lucius De Cupidinis et Psyches Amoribus Fabula Anilis. London, Hacon & Ricketts, 1901. Cloth-backed boards with title ticket. (56) p. Text edited by C.J. Holmes. Five woodcuts, botanical border and initial by Charles Ricketts. First edition. Apart from the usual browning of the endpapers an excellent copy.

€ 360

* The Tale of Amor and Psyche in Latin in the austere and splendidly designed edition of Charles Ricketts, printed in 310 copies. Van Capelleveen A63.

20.  (VALE PRESS). DRAYTON, Michael Nimphidia and the Muses Elizium. (London, Hacon & Ricketts, 1896). Paper-backed decorated boards with title ticket. (8), 140, (8) p. Uncut. Text edited by John Gray. Frontispice woodcut, botanical borders and initials by Charles Ricketts. First edition. Spine a bit soiled. Endpapers slightly browned. 

€ 360

* Two long poems of the Elizabethan poet Michael Drayton (1563-1631) with superb woodcut illustration and borders by Charles Ricketts, printed in 210 copies. Humorous repetitive board illustration: a nibbling mouse. Van Capelleveen A14.

21.  WILLIAMSON, Hugh Double Crown Club. Dinner CLXX. No place, Double Crown Club, 1963. 25 x 17 cm. Folded half sheet of tinted paper to form 8 p. of which 4 were printed (in brown and black). First edition. Vague horizontal fold. 

€ 12

* Menu for the Double Crown Club Dinner CLXX (for lovers of typography) on June 12, 1963. Title page border adapted by Hugh Williamson from a design by Fredric Warde.



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