RACKHAM, Arthur; The Allies' Fairy Book

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Newsletter 17 (November, 2011)


Illustration by Grandville from Nr. 13

1. BEWICK, Thomas & John Select Fables; with Cuts, designed and engraved by Thomas and John Bewick, and Others, previous to the year 1784; together with a Memoir; and a descriptive Catalogue of the Works of Messrs. Bewick. London, S. Hodgson, Emerson Charnley, Baldwin, Cradock & Joy, 1820. 21 x 15 cm. 19th cent. full polished calf with gilt and blindstamped borders, spine gilt and with two morocco title tickets. All edges marbled, matching with endpapers. (6), xl, 332 pp. Some traces of use: spine has lost part of its gold, most protruding parts a bit rubbed, some markings on the binding, a few spots and fingering inside, but an attractive book with a wood engraving on almost every page.

€ 200

* Richly illustrated with wood-engravings by the patriarchs of wood-engraving, the brothers Bewick. Nice bookplate of George W. Prothero.

2. GEORGE, Stefan Gesamt-Ausgabe der Werke. Vol. 1-14 + 17 and 18. Added: Zeitgenössische Dichter in first edition. (Collected Works). Berlin, Georg Bondi, 1927-1934. Original gilt dark blue cloth. Printed on mould-made paper. Uncut. Design by Melchior Lechter. Some illustrations (portraits and handwriting examples). All are first editions of the Collected Edition. A little wear on some of the bindings. Together almost 30 cm on your shelf.

1. Die Fibel. Auswahl erster Verse - 2. Hymnen, Pilgerfahrten, Algabal - 3. Die Bücher der Hirten- und Preisgedichte, der Sagen und Sänge und der hängenden Gärten - 4. Das Jahr der Seele - 5. Der Teppich des Lebens und die Lieder von Traum und Tod mit einem Vorspiel - 6/7. Der siebente Ring - 8. Der Stern des Bundes - 9. Das neue Reich - 10/11. Dante: Die göttliche Komödie. Übertragungen - 12. Shakespeare-Sonnette. Umdichtungen. Vermehrt um einige Stücke aus dem liebenden Pilgrim - 13/14. Baudelaire: Die Blumen des Bösen; Umdichtungen - 17. Tage und Taten. Aufzeichnungen und Skizzen - 18. Schlußband. Manuel, Die Herrin betet, Die Aufnahme in den Orden, Jugenddichtungen, Gedichte in fremden Sprachen.

Added: the missing vol. 15 and 16 in first edition: Zeitgenössische Dichter. Vol. 1 and 2. 1905. Translations into German by Stefan George from poems by Rossetti, Swinburne, Dowson, Jacobsen, Kloos, Verwey, Verhaeren, Verlaine, Mallarmé, Rimbaud, Regnier, d'Annunzio and Rolicz-Lieder. Printed on tinted vergé paper. Original violet boards with silver lettering by Melchior Lechter and 'Blätter für die Kunst' symbol. Spines and edges a bit discolored.

€ 350

* Not a perfect, but a fascinating set of Stefan George's collected works: thirteen austere dark blue and two violet books all in the type designed after George's handwriting, printed on laid paper, uncut.

3. (GOLDEN COCKEREL PRESS). BANNET, Ivor The Amazons. A novel. Engravings by Clifford Webb. London, The Golden Cockerel Press, 1948. Morocco-backed marbled boards with morocco fore-rim (signed Sangorski & Sutcliffe). 258 p. Set in Poliphilus with Centaur initials and printed on Arnould's mould-made paper in 500 numbered copies. Wood-engraved illustrations and vignettes. First edition. Fine wood-engraved bookplate of L.H. Dorrenboom. Excellent condition.

€ 110

* Novel from a mythical age. With two useful maps, one of the Eastern Mediterranean and one of Atlantis. Fine binding in dark brown morocco with a modern marble colored fawn and buff.

4. GRAND-CARTERET, John 'LUI' devant l'Objectif Caricatural. 348 images de tous les pays. Les célébrités vues par l'image. Paris, Librairie Nilsson, 1906. 18 x 14 cm. Bound in cloth-backed boards, orig. coloured wrappers pasted on upper and lower cover and on the spine. XVI, 296 pp. 12th thousand. Some small tears in pages.

€ 30

* Fantastic caricatures of 'Him', that is the German Emperor Wilhelm II, from periodicals of many countries. With a preface by Grand-Carteret dated March 31, 1906. Not to be confused with 'Derrière Lui' by the same author, about the Eulenburg scandal of 1907-1908.

5. HAECKEL, Ernst, VIRCHOW, Rudolf DU BOIS-REYMOND, Emil 5 important polemic pamphlets bound together. 1. Ernst Haeckel: Die heutige Entwickelungslehre im Verhältnisse zur Gesammtwissenschaft. Vortrag, in der ersten öffentlichen Sitzung der fünfzigsten Versammlung Deutscher Naturforscher und Aerzte zu München am 18. September 1877 gehalten. Stuttgart, E. Schweizerbart, 1877. 24 p.

2. Rudolf Virchow: Die Freiheit der Wissenschaft in der modernen Staat. Rede gehalten in der dritten allgemeinen Sitzung der fünfzigsten Versammlung deutscher Naturforscher und Aerzte zu München am 22. September 1877. Berlin, Verlag von Wiegandt, Hempel & Parey, 1877. 32 p.

3. Ernst Haeckel: Freie Wissenschaft und freie Lehre. Eine Entgegnung auf Rudolf Virchow's Münchener Rede über "Die Freiheit der Wissenschaft im modernen Staat". Stuttgart, E. Schweizerbart, 1878. (4), 106 p.

4. Ernst Haeckel: Die Naturanschauung von Darwin, Goethe und Lamarck. Vortrag in der ersten öffentlichen Sitzung der fünfundfünfzigsten Versammlung Deutscher Naturforscher und Aerzte zu Eisenach am 18. September 1882. [Mit einem Gedicht von Arthur Fitger]. Jena, Gustav Fischer, 1882. VIII, 64 p.

5. Emil Du Bois-Reymond: Goethe und kein Ende. Rede bei Antritt des Rectorats der Königl. Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität zu Berlin. Am 15. October 1882. Leipzig, Verlag von Veit & Comp., 1883. 44 p. [Second edition].

Bound together in leather-backed marbled boards. 4 first editions and an augmented second edition (No. 5). Original wrappers not included. Spine a bit rubbed, some pencil remarks, text paper browned.

€ 165

* Five pamphlets by three eminent German scientists, among other things about the freedom of science, about Darwinism and about the scientific achievements of Goethe. A window on the academical debate of the 1870's and 80's.

6. HANLEY, James, Havelock ELLIS, Rhys DAVIES, & Norman DAVEY A Passion before Death; Kanga Creek; A Bed of Feathers; The Penultimate Adventure. New York/ London, The Black Hawk Press, 1935. Cloth with dust jacket. Fine copy, jacket a bit browned and damaged. Four novels, each with a tipped-in frontispice, printed in 902 copies only, each in a fine 'modern' Art Deco style. All four books published in 1935, but this collected edition was probably bound later using unsold copies. Illustrations by Dolice, Jacob Krakowsky (Jack Krakow) and John Gram. Collected in one volume in publisher's light blue cloth with richly gilt spine, and with dust jacket (covered in mylar), a bit browned along the edges.

€ 40

* Havelock Ellis: Kanga Creek; James Hanley: A Passion before Death; Rhys Davies: A Bed of Feathers; Norman Davey: The Penultimate Adventure.

Kanga Creek includes 'Biographical Memoir in the Form of An Imaginary Conversation Between Havelock Ellis, a Young Doctor Without a Practice, and Olive Schreiner a Young Woman without a Husband' by Norman Lockridge. The Black Hawk Press was owned by Samuel Roth (1894-1974, one of his pseudonyms: Norman Lockridge), i.a. publisher of the American Aphrodite magazine.

7. HANLEY, James Boy. Paris, The Obelisk, 1946. Original wrappers. 176 p. Wrappers a bit discoloured, but a very good copy.

€ 15

* 'In this, his second novel, the author of DRIFT tells the short life-story of Arthur Fearon, schoolboy and idealist, who ships as a stowaway on a Liverpool tramp in order to escape the sordid hardships of his slum existence'. A sad book, first published 1931.

8. HOFFMANN, Franz Die Sandgrube. Eine Erzählung für meine jungen Freunde. Mit vier Stahlstichen. Stuttgart, Schmidt & Spring, 1852. Original boards. (2), 116 p. First edition. Backstrip worn, small waterstain at the foot of the spine, otherwise very good.

€ 55

* Attractive original illustrated binding with on the lower cover 35 other titles by Hoffmann. 4 fine steel engravings with tiny extra commenting depictions, an interesting invention.

9. LISSITZKY, EL, & Hans ARP (publishers) Die Kunstismen. Les Ismes de l'art. The Isms of Art. 1924-1914. Zürich, München & Leipzig, Eugen Rentsch Verlag, 1925. Illustrated boards. XII, 48 p. Illustrated. First edition. Backstrip damaged. Boards browned. Some foxing (esp. flyleaves).

€ 1800

* Short descriptions in German, French and English of the modern movements in art with illustrations, in unsurpassed typography by El Lissitzky. With original illustrated 4-p. prospect advertising 9 books of Eugen Rentsch Verlag, a.o. this same volume.

10. MELVILLE, Herman Benito Cereno. With pictures by E. McKnight Kauffer. London, The Nonesuch Press, 1926. 31 x 21 cm. Original cloth. (4), 124 p. With stencil-colored pictures. Printed in 1650 numbered copies on tinted Van Gelder paper. Uncut. Partly discolored. Some browning.

€ 38

* Attractive large book with expressive illustrations.

11. MÖRIKE, Eduard Gedichte. Vienna/ Prague/ Leipzig, Carl Konegen, about 1922. 11,5 x 9,5 cm. Original portfolio. 15 cards, printed on both sides in multicolor lithography, entirely written and drawn on the lithographical stone by Ida Berisch. Spine a bit damaged, portfolio inside a bit foxed.

Free with an order

* Attractive little production, typical for the design of the period.

12. OMAR KHAYYAM Rubaiyat. Amsterdam/ Antwerpen, Wereld-Bibliotheek-Vereniging, (1960). Landscape format. Original wraps. (64) p. Bookblock loosening, one inner flap dog-eared, a bit browned.

€ 20

* Translation into Dutch after FitzGerald by Joh. Weiland (known as Jan Weiland, painter, 1894-1976), who also made the illustrations and the cover lettering. Introduction by F.P. Huygens. This is one of 200 numbered deluxe copies on Kingdom paper.

13. OLD NICK & GRANDVILLE Petites misères de la vie humaine. Paris, H. Fournier, 1843. Contemporary calf-backed boards, spine with gilt ribs and decorations. Marbled flyleaves. (8), VIII, 332 p. Engravings and vignettes by Grandville. Exlibris of Dutch author Johan W. Schotman. Boards a bit worn. Some foxing.

€ 55

* Old Nick = Paul-Émile Daurand-Forgues (1813-1883).

14. RIDEOUT, Henry Milner Dragon's Blood. Boston/ New York, Houghton Mifflin, 1909. Decorated cloth. (12), 272 p. Illustrated in duotone by Harold M. Brett. Second edition. Fresh and flawless copy.

€ 45

* Chinese adventure novel by an American author (1877-1927), who used to document himself thoroughly for his books. Very fine publisher's binding: a blue dragon bursting forth with orange flames against a Chinese disk in gold. This binding has been designed by The Decorative Designers of Lee and Henry Thayer, as the tiny monogram DD shows.

15. ROH, Franz, & TSCHICHOLD, Jan Foto-auge. 76 fotos der zeit - oeil et photo. 76 photographies de notre temps - photo-eye. 76 photoes of the period. Stuttgart, Akademischer Verlag Dr. Fritz Wedekind & Co., 1929. 29 x 21 cm. Original illustrated wrappers, bound as a block-book. 94 (double) p. 76 photos. Typography and design Jan Tschichold. First edition. Backstrip worn and damaged. Cover soiled and a bit worn at the edges. First and last pages foxed.

€ 650

* Groundbreaking modern photography book with the self portrait of EL LISSITZKY on the cover. Introduction in German, French and English by Franz Roh. Not a perfect copy, but an unrepaired one in Good condition.

16. SADE, D.A.F. de La philosophie dans le boudoir. Édition intégrale précédée d'une étude sur le Marquis de Sade et le sadisme par Helpey, bibliographe poitevin. Sadopolis, Édition privée, aux dépens de la 'Société des études sadiques', (about 1925). Rebound in cloth with leather title ticket. 304 p. With reproductions of the erotic engravings of the edition of 1795. Printed in red and black. Ticket a bit worn, otherwise a nice copy. Pasted in is an original engraving from a 19th-century edition of De Sade, the famous depiction of H. Biberstein.

€ 30

* 'Helpey' is Louis Perceau; this book was issued by Maurice Duflou.

17. SAND, George Short handwritten letter to a lady. Folded lettersheet of 18,8 x 26,8 cm resulting in a letter format of 8,5 x 13,4 cm. Three lines: 'Merci ma chère mignonne, à ce soir. Je vous aime (signed)'. With a trace of sealing wax.

€ 180

* Adressed in another hand to 'Hch. Arnoult'.

18. SCOUFFI, Alec Hotel zum Goldfisch. Leipzig, Elite Verlag, 1930. Original cloth. 228 p. First edition. Spine a bit dulled.

€ 45

* Translation of Poiss d'Or, a novel with homosexual undertones.

19. SHIMBI SHOIN LTD., The Valuable and Important Japanese Art Publications. Tokyo, The Shimbi Shoin, (about 1915). Original wrappers. 54 p. Printed in red and black. Illustrations. With some notes in ink and pencil. Cover a bit browned and with some chips at the edges.

€ 30

* Catalogue in English of this famous Japanese art book publisher with data of the different editions and their prices. Some titles in Japanese and a few illustrations.

20. STOWE, Harriet Beecher De negerhut. (Uncle Tom's cabin.) Een verhaal uit het slavenleven in Noord-Amerika. Naar den 20sten Amerikaanschen druk uit het Engelsch vertaald door C.M. Mensing. Volks-uitgave. Amsterdam, C.L. Brinkman, 1874. Original gilt cloth. With 6 tinted lithos. Seventh printing. Backstrip discolored.

€ 20

* Early Dutch translation. Attractive copy with six nice lithographical illustrations.

21. TOLKIEN, J.R.R. Lord of the Rings. Deluxe edition. London, Harper Collins, 2002. Richly gilt leather-backed cloth in a slipcase. xiv, 1138 p. All edges gilt. Printed on India paper. Fourth impression of this deluxe edition. Book in fine condition, slipcase a little rubbed.

€ 110

* The complete Lord of the Rings with Tolkien's Preface to the Second Edition, Appendixes A-F, four Indexes and two maps on the flyleaves (printed in red and black). Not so voluminous as you would expect: the paper is of a strong but very thin quality.

22. (TYTGAT, Edgard). GIRAUDOUX, Jean La Pharmacienne. Orné de six planches hors texte dessinées par Edgard Tytgat. (Bruxelles), Aux Dépens des Éditions Lumière [Angèle Manteau], (1944). 27 x 20 cm. Original wrappers (design Jack Rock). 72 p. With 6 plates after Edgard Tytgat. Printed in 506 numbered copies. Fine, crisp copy.

€ 38

* Collection 'La Flèche d'Or' ('The Golden Arrow').

23. (VALE PRESS). DRAYTON, Michael Nimphidia and the Muses Elizium. (London, Hacon & Ricketts, 1896). Paper-backed decorated boards with title ticket. (8), 140, (8) p. Uncut. Text edited by John Gray. Frontispice woodcut, botanical borders and initials by Charles Ricketts. First edition. Spine a bit soiled. Endpapers slightly browned.

€ 350

* Two long poems of the Elizabethan poet Michael Drayton (1563-1631) with superb woodcut illustration and borders by Charles Ricketts, printed in 210 copies. Humorous repetitive board illustration: a nibbling mouse. Van Capelleveen A14.

24. (WHITMAN, Walt). PEAUX, J. Mannen van beteekenis in onze dagen. Walt Whitman. Haarlem, Tjeenk Willink, 1892. Original wrappers. (56) p. numbered 245-300. Wood-engraved frontispice. First edition. Backstrip worn at top and foot. Cover slightly browned, text paper a bit foxed.

€ 35

* One volume of the long-running Dutch series of biographies of great men in 'Mannen van beteekenis' (= Men of Importance), published separately in wrappers. Written in June 1892, three months after Whitman's death. Poems cited in English.

25. WHITMAN, Walt. WAGENVOORT (vert.), Maurits Natuurleven. (Leaves of Grass). Vertaald door Maurits Wagenvoort. Met portret van den dichter. Haarlem, Erven Bohn, 1898. Original cloth-backed boards. XII, 180 p. With portrait of the poet. First edition. Second binding (about 1910). Some foxing.

€ 50

* The first translation into Dutch.


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Illustration by Bewick from Nr. 1

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