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Newsletter 11 (January, 2011)

Pour lire au lit

~ varied items ~

1 BLUNDEN, Edmund Autograph Card Signed, dated 3 March 1934. On soft paper, 6,0 x 10,3 cm. Unobtrusive glue marks at verso.

€ 25

* "With apologies for unpunctuality/ E. Blunden/ 19 Woodstock Close/ Oxford./ 3 March 1934". Beautiful, tiny handwriting. The poet Blunden (1896-1974) was Fellow of Merton College at the time.

2 CARPENTER, Edward Die homogene Liebe und deren Bedeutung in der freien Gesellschaft. Deutsch von H.B. Fischer. (Als Manuskript gedruckt.) Leipzig, Max Spohr, [1895]. Rebound. 48 p. First German edition. No original wrappers. Corners slightly bumped.

€ 200

* About Homosexual Love and its Importance for a Free Society. With 4 p. publisher’s advertisements, especially for books about the Second and Third Sex. Very rare, early pro-gay publication, years before Hirschfeld became active! Lehmstedt 136.

3 DUMAS jr., Alexandre Handwritten letter to 'Mon cher ami'. Blue vergé paper. 20,7 x 13,4 cm. 4 p. With printed address '98, Avenue de Villiers'. Written on the first two pages only. Signed, not dated. 20 lines of text. Twice folded.

€ 150

* Dumas asks his unknown correspondent for information about the amount his publisher Hachette is going to pay extra to the authors.

4 EROTICA. Bookseller's catalogue Pour lire au lit. Ouvrages sur l'amour. (No place, no publisher mentioned, about 1935). 17 x 11 cm. Rebound in modern cloth. (12), (48), (20) p. Illustrated. Original front cover bound in. Some wear.

€ 60

* Rare catalog for books published by Éditions du Couvre-Feu and comparable erotica publishers in France in the thirties. With text fragments and examples of illustrations. 32 pages of art paper and 48 p. of text paper. With 'Bon de Commande' on pink paper. Extracts of: Sous la jupe, Les esclaves de John Krissler, La belle polissonne, Les passions de Gisèle, and L'ardente tutelle.

5 FUCHS, Hanns Richard Wagner und Ludwig II. Berlin, H. Barsdorf, (about 1930). Stiff wrappers with dust jacket. VIII, 280 p. Jacket in very good condition - a bit too short for the book. Printed on better paper than the original. Last 4 p. loose.

€ 50

* Exact reimpression of Richard Wagner und die Homosexualität (1902) with a new title. Homosexuality in the life and works of Richard Wagner, and in the life of King Ludwig II of Bavaria.

6 GROAT, Robert W. de Totem Poles. A Happy Hobby for Boys. New York City, Boy Scouts of America, 1934. Original green wrappers printed in red and black. (4), 52 p. Illustrated. First edition. Cover a little discolored.

€ 20

* Rich in information, well-illustrated. Boy Scouts of America Service Library, No. 3196, Series D.

7 GUTENBERG-AUSSTELLUNG 1940 Gutenberg. Exposition du Reich Leipzig 1940 du 15 Juin au 20 Octobre. Le Vme Centenaire de l'art d'imprimer avec participation internationale. Leipzig, Gutenberg-Reichssausstellung Leipzig 1940, (1939?). 29 x 21 cm. Original wrappers. Sewn with a red string. 12 p. Printed in red and black. With a double folding plan of the exposition (oblong 81 x 29 cm). First edition. Fine copy.

€ 32

* Extensive and expensively produced plan for the Leipsic exposition, in French. In the end, the exposition had to be shelved because of the war. A curious publication, probably printed in the summer of 1939, just before the Second World War.

8 HERMANT, Abel L'aube ardente. Roman. Illustrations et ornements typographiques gravés sur bois par Clément Serveau. Paris, Le livre moderne illustré / J. Ferenczi et fils, 1927. Original wrappers. 208 p. Uncut. Cover a bit discolored.

€ 15

* With a touching, intimate gay woodcut frontispice.

9 HICHENS, Robert The Fruitful Vine. A Novel. London, T. Fisher Unwin. 1911. Gilt cloth. 576 p. 4th impression. Whitish stain on spine, some foxing.

€ 35

* This novel, situated in Rome, has the nicest of bookmarkers: a HANDWRITTEN, SIGNED note by the author 'With Compliments' and his address 'Hotel Windsor/ Via Veneto/ Rome/ Oct 20. 1910.' The first edition of this romantic novel was published in September, this 4th impression in November, 1911.

10 HIRSCHFELD, Magnus Oorzaken en wezen van het uranisme [Liefde voor hetzelfde geslacht]. Amsterdam, G.P. Tierie, 1904. Original wrappers. (8), 178 p. With (folding) illustrations. First edition. Backstrip worn, cover loose and stained, dog's ears.

€ 75

* With introduction (20 pages) by A. Aletrino. Poor copy of the rare Dutch translation of Ursachen und Wesen des Uranismus, that was first published in the Jahrbuch für sexuelle Zwischenstufen 1903.

11 KOLLMANN, Franz Das Zeppelinluftschiff. Seine Entwicklung, Tätigkeit und Leistungen. Mit Nachtrag: Zeppelin-Luftschiff LZ 127 "Graf Zeppelin". Mit 76 Abbildungen. Neue Ausgabe. Berlin, M. Krayn, 1928. Cloth-backed boards with a photo of 'Das Amerika-Luftschiff Z.R. III (L.Z. 126). 42,(2), (86), (12), (48), (10) p. With 48 photos and various other pictures. Second, extended edition. A bit soiled, but a very good copy of a delicate book.

€ 140

* Detailed descriptions and history of the German airship. Well-illustrated and with many precise data about all the Zeppelins that were built between 1900 and 1927, with a ten-page addition at the end about the Graf Zeppelin (LZ 127).

12 KOOLHAAS, Rem Content. Cologne, Taschen, 2004. Original wrappers. 544 p. Fully illustrated in colors. First edition. Apart from the tiniest corner wear a fine copy.

€ 70

* INSCRIBED by Rem Koolhaas to a French RFI journalist on page 5: "To Richard/ [X],/ with expecta-/ tions./ Rem/ Koolhaas/ OMAMO/ [email address]".

Content is the follow-up of S,M,L,XL (1995) - another voluminous goldmine of ideas and experiences of Koolhaas' famous metropolitan architectural firm OMA.

13 MAUGHAM, Robin Two typed letters signed, a greeting card (with gilt "House of Lords" and a trellis), two envelopes and a copy of The Servant, all for an old friend from Paris. Letters with printed letterhead '5 Clifton Road' in Brighton, dated '2nd November 1978' (11 lines, with envelope) and '4th May 1979' (8 lines), a card, signed, with Christmas greetings (with envelope) from December 4, 1980. The book, a later edition from 1964, has the inscription 'For Christian/ with respect/ and affection/ from/ Robin/ May 1965' and on the title page Maugham crossed out his printed name and put his signature underneath.

€ 65

* Letters about 'the vernissage of Salavize', i.e. Martine Salavize, a young sculptor, and about Peter (Burton, Maugham's lover and secretary), who is in Mexico and in America, where he sold his flat. Maugham bought another house in Brighton (5 Clifton Road) and leaves 14 Bute Street. Nice ensemble.

The Servant, all for an old friend from Paris" />

14 (MOSHER, Thomas B.). STEVENSON, R.L. Aes Triplex and other Essays. Portland, Maine, Thomas B. Mosher, 1907. 14 x 8 cm. Original gilt full green leather binding (design Frederic Goudy). xiv, 86 p. Top gilt. Deckled edges. Third printing of this edition. Almost full-page bookplate. Some faint markings, but a nice copy of this little gem.

€ 40

* Vest Pocket series. Bishop 1.2.

15 (MOSHER, Thomas B.). STEVENSON, R.L. Will o'the Mill. Portland, Maine, Thomas B. Mosher, 1899. 13 x 9 cm. Original boards and wrappers, with a slipcase. 72 p. Printed on Japan vellum in 425 copies. First printing of this edition. Fine copy, but slipcase is damaged.

€ 25

* Attractive little art nouveau book printed on fine Japanese paper. Mosher's Brocade series. Bishop 436.

16 (MOSHER, Thomas B.) Songs of Adieu. A Little Book of Finale and Farewell. Portland, Maine, Thomas B. Mosher, 1893. 21 x 11 cm. Original boards with yapp edges. (64) p. Uncut. Printed in 725 copies on Van Gelder. Spine worn, binding partly browned.

€ 20

* Attractive little book, one of the first that Mosher printed, an anthology compiled by himself. The design was inspired by that of Charles Ricketts for John Gray's Silverpoints, which was published half a year before. Bishop 366.

17 (MOSHER, Thomas B.) A List of Books MDCCCXCVIII. Portland, Maine, Thomas B. Mosher, 1898. 18 x 10 cm. Original green wrappers, printed in red and green. 64 p. Uncut. Printed in red and black. First edition. Upper cover a bit soiled. Sewing thread missing.

€ 25

* Attractive little catalogue. The design was taken from that of Lucien Pissarro for The Book of Ruth and The Book of Esther, printed in 1896 by the Eragny Press. Bishop 203.

18 MÈREDIEU, D.-J. La reliure et la dorure à la portée de tous (chez soi). Angoulème, Fougère & Laurent, (circa 1920). Original wrappers. 64 p. Richly illustrated. Very good condition.

€ 25

* About binding and gilding books at home. Nice illustrations, a.o. with many letters and ornaments used for gilding.

19 POURTALÈS, Guy de Les affinités instinctives. Paris, Les éditions de France, 1934. Original wrappers. (8), 268 p. Uncut. One of 133 numbered copies of the édition originale. This is one of 14 numbered copies on Velin Pur Fil Lafuma. First edition. 'Avec toute la barbe' = with extremely protruding paper edges, therefore a bit creased.

€ 30

* With signed AUTHOR'S DEDICATION to Jean Maleyre.

20 RIBERA, Bernardo Brevis enarratio historica de statu Ecclesiae Moscoviticae. Editio nova, emendatior et auctior juxta rarissima exemplaria viennensia anni 1733 curante Joanne Martinov, s.j. Paris, Carolus Taranne, 1874. Calf-backed marbled boards. xxxiv, 208 pp. Binding somewhat worn and rubbed. Two library stamps of a Jesuit College in Maastricht.

€ 24

* Short history in Latin of the Church in Moscow, edited by Joannes Martinov. 1874. Ribera was chaplain of the Spanish ambassador in Moscow. With autograph dedication by Martinov to R.P.J. Allard, 'hommage affectueux'. With elucidating notes in pencil.

21 SPACKE MOTOR CARS Spacke Motor Cars. A New Type of Motor Car combining Ease of Operation, Light Weight and Economy of Upkeep. (Trade folder). Indianapolis, Spacke Machine & Tool Co., [1920]. 28 x 21 cm. 4 p. Illustrated. With two perforator holes. Two horizontal folds.

€ 40

* With some extras: a second copy of the trade folder in poor condition, issued with a lower price ($ 295 instead of $ 345 for the twoseater car), two typed letters from a prospective customer in Europe and one letter from A.B. Sutton (signed in green), the sales manager of Spacke, dated March 11, 1920. Nice ensemble about a rare and forgotten American car factory.

22 VOX, Maximilien Petit testament d'un typographe. Brussels, Willy Godenne, 1961. Oblong 26 x 15 cm. Original wrappers. (40) p. Printed in red and black on Alfa anglais paper in 300 (unnumbered) copies. Very good copy.

€ 35

* Fifteen memorial quatrains (devilishly smart ones) by typographer Maximilien Vox (Samuel Monod, 1894-1974), printed in noble typography with large type. Graphie 4.

23 WEGENER, Paul Original photographic postcard signed by Wegener in his role as Jago. Black and white postcard, issued about 1910. 13,7 x 9,0 cm. Signature in purple ink.

€ 25

* German actor Paul Wegener (1874-1948) was in his early years a famous Shakespearean actor; in 1912 he began a second career as a film actor, that brought him all over the world.

24 ZOLA, Émile, Catulle MENDÈS, Alfred de MUSSET, ERCKMANN-CHATRIAN and others Zolaistische Cabinetstücke. Aus dem Franzosischen von Wilhelm Lilienthal. Berlin, R. Jacobsthal, [1894]. Rebound in cloth-backed marbled boards. (4), 168 p. First edition. Binding a bit scratched. Name on title page ('K. Nepomucký'). Delicate text paper browned, first page slightly damaged in the gutter.

€ 35

* An early, rare collection of contemporary French short stories translated into German. Among others 'Wie man stirbt' ('Comment on meurt') by Zola, 'Haschisch' and 'Frau von Rosavène' by Catulle Mendès, and 'Mimi Pinson' by Alfred de Musset.


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