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Newsletter 4 (June 16, 2010)  

Facetious Nights 

- 20 varied items - 

1  (BAYROS, Franz von). SEMERAU, Alfred Venus-Rosenkränzlein. Für die galante Welt gedruckt zu Cythere im Jahre, da gut zu lieben war. [München, 1907]. 19 x 13 cm. Richly gilt full leather with slipcase. (10), 312 p. Aquatint frontispice and title page, vignettes by Franz von Bayros. Printed in 600 numbered copies each with a facsimile signature of Semerau. First edition. Slipcase slightly worn, spine discolored. 

€ 65

* Erotic poetry purporting to be from a unique work of about 1800. An exquisite item!

2  BONNETAIN, Paul Autograph Letter Signed to an unknown correspondent in Britain (1886). Handwritten letter on 'Original Louvre Mill' paper. 17,5 x 11,0 cm. To 'Cher Monsieur'. 4 p. Dated 'Nice, 18 février'. 72 lines. Folded, small tear at the foot.

€ 200

* Cordial and pessimistic letter to his agent in England about the approaching publication of his book Opium in the Revue moderniste, afterwards by Charpentier as a book, around May 15, 1886. Obviously, he is in dire straits after the turmoil that originated by the publication of his shocking novel Charlot s'amuse (1883), that openly discussed the heinous effects of masturbation. About the possibilities of translations in the U.S.A. and Germany; the Italian translation is already in his pocket. Probably Opium will sell better in English, because the first part is dedicated to 'psychologie passionnelle', and the three others to the English in Hong-Kong. Moreover, there are plans to publish a complete French translation of Confessions of an English Opium-Eater by De Quincey introduced by Bonnetain: 'j'ai promis à l'éditeur une préface qui fera naitre des polémiques'. As far as we know, this book never has been published with a preface by Bonnetain.

An informative letter by a courageous author, doomed to die only 40 years old in Laos (1899).

3  CARLIER, F. Les deux prostitutions (1860-1870). Paris, E. Dentu, 1887. Simple half-cloth binding without text. 516 p. First edition. A bit foxed, a bit loosening. 

€ 80

* Thorough study by the Chief of the Paris Vice Squad, François Carlier. The first half of the book treats 'normal' prostitution, the second half is about 'Prostitution Antiphysique', or 'pederasty'. It is one of the first serious books about the subject. 

4  EEKHOUD, Georges Strange Love. A Novel of Abnormal Passion. (Escal-Vigor). New York, The Panurge Press, [1929]. Original gilt red cloth. 254 p. Top gilt. Uncut. Frontispice by Carroll Snell. First edition. Some dents in edges of cover, probably caused by packing string. Inscription on flyleaf by J. Howard Smith from Portland, dated 'Dec./1929'.

€ 45

* Translation into English of Eekhoud's outspoken gay novel Escal-Vigor (1900). Printed in 1010 machine-numbered copies. With an introduction by 'Gauntlet' i.a. about the process against Eekhoud and his acquittal. A captivating book.

5  FREUND, Kurt Die Homosexualität beim Mann. Mit 19 Abbildungen und 54 Tabellen. Leipzig, S. Hirzel Verlag, 1963. Cloth. X, 276 p. First edition. Bookblock loosening at title page. Underlinings in pencil. 

€ 60

* With a short typed letter from the author to a Dr. Rudolf Kunze in Oberwartha (Dresden), and an answer in typescript (dated 18.6.64) by Kunze, a 69-year-old biologist-chemist, about his own homosexuality, his therapies and failed marriages. Finally 'habe ich mir durch entwicklungsgeschichtliche Studien im Tier- und Pflanzenreich in ätiologischer Hinsicht eine Auffassung erarbeitet, die es zum mindesten mir und meinen nächsten Freunden gestattet, den Rest des Lebens in eigener Gewissensruhe zu verbringen, unbeschadet dessen, ob mich die Gesellschaft anerkennt, verachtet oder ausschließt.' And with 10 various sheets of paper filled by Kunze with notes and remarks about the book (one of these is the original receipt of the book).

A curtain is lifted to enable a view on homosexuality in the German Democratic Republic!

6  GRACIÁN, Baltasar Meditazioni sopra la santissima Comunione composte in Lingua Spagnuola dal padre Baldassarre Graziano della Compagnia di Gesù, e tradotta nell' idioma italiano da Francesco de Castro della medesima Compagnia. Venice, Niccolò Pezzana,1737. 16mo. Vellum with calligraphed title on spine. Nice inscription on page (2) dated 1737. 

€ 120

* Attractive little Italian translation of El Comulgatorio (1655, literally ‘The Communion window’). Not in Worldcat or in various national libraries. Only a 1750 edition in the State Library of Montecassino.


7  (HIRSCHFELD, Magnus) Titus-Perlen. Wissenschaftliches Sexual-Hormon-Präparat nach Vorschrift von Sanitätsrat Dr. Magnus Hirschfeld unter ständiger klinischer Kontrolle des Instituts für Sexualwissenschaft, Berlin. Mit gesichtertem Gehalt an Keimdrüsen-Hormonen und standartisiertem Hypophysenvorderlappen-Hormon. Berlin-Pankow, 'Titus', 1930. Original illustrated wrappers. 36 p. printed on art paper. Illustrated (partly in colors). First edition. Very good copy, with a few pencil additions. 

€ 45

* Advertisement for hormone medication developed in the 1920's by Magnus Hirschfeld in his Institute for Sexual Science. 'Titus Pearls', a chemical mix of hormones, corticosteroids and traditional aphrodisiacs, helped achieve various ways of sexual gratification. Several enthusiastic user reports printed at the end. With a special loose insert on pink paper, dated '30.3.1931' in which 'I.H.', a former government minister (born 1851) asserts that Titus Pearls helped to improve his memory and that - as by the movement of a wand - his somnolent sexuality has been animated again. Hmmm…

8  LAPORTE, André Les naufrages aériens. Paris, Théodore Lefèvre et Émile Guérin, [1880]. 23 x 14 cm. Richly gilt and decorated publisher's cloth (Engel). (6), 268 p. All edges gilt. With 23 finely wood-engraved plates and an illustration on the title page. First edition. Upper corners bumped, cover very lightly worn. Book block a bit uneven, slight staining. 

€ 140

* History of ballooning and parachutes with special attentions to the many accidents. With dramatic illustrations. An attractive aviation book!

9  LEIGHTON, Frederick Autograph signed letter (ALS), dated "6 June 86". 11 lines on an oblong card (9 x 12 cm), printed "2, Holland Park, Kensington, W.". Recto and verso. Folded horizontally. Traces of glue from an album. 

€ 45

* Autograph letter by the famous painter (1830-1896), about a book ('Life & Works') to be sent to him.

10  LINSERT, Richard Kabale und Liebe. Über Politik und Geschlechtsleben Berlin, MAN Verlag, 1931. 24,5 x 18 cm. Blindstamped cloth. X, 618 pp. Illustrated. First Edition. Apart from a little corner bumping and spine discoloring a very good copy. 

€ 45

* Voluminous, fascinating study about sex and politics by Linsert (1899-1933), the secretary of Hirschfeld’s Scientific Humanitarian Committee.

11  LONGIN Entre femmes. Histoire lesbienne. Paris, Aux Publications Parisiennes, (about 1925?). Original illustrated wrappers. 128 p. First edition. Cover soiled and with a name on lower wrapper. Reading slant. Uncut. 

€ 50

* Cheaply printed sub rosa novel. Front cover shows a photo of two girls embraced in night shirts looking in a mirror. Not in CCFr or Worldcat.


12  LOWLAND, Jacob (alias James S. HOLMES) Martial Music. Poems for Men after Martial. Amsterdam, self-published, 1983. Stapled with covers from washable wallpaper. (20) p. Printed in 90 numbered copies. First edition. 

€ 18

* Homo-erotic translations into English of the Latin verse of Marcus Valerius Martialis for the participants of the Amsterdam colloquium 'Vriendjespoëtiek' on homo-erotic literature. With the Latin texts. 

13  MACKAY, John Henry Der Freiheitsucher. Psychologie einer Entwickelung. Berlin-Charlottenburg, self-published, 1920. Original wrappers. XII, 264 pp. One of 1000 copies, all signed and numbered by the author. With a loose leaflet of Contents. First edition. Fragile wrappers a bit creased and discolored. Corners somewhat worn.

€ 120

* Mackay's autobiography ("The Freedom Seeker") in his brilliantly succinct philsosophic style (with bouts of pathos). A bit of Mackay's Sagitta identity shines through: he describes his falling in love with a boy from his own high school. The only indication of a publisher is Mackay's home address, Berliner Straße 166.

14  MONTHERLANT, Henry de L'Étoile du Soir. Lithographies de Goor. Paris, Henri Lefèbvre, 1949. Loose in wrappers in decorated boards and slipcase (as issued). (4), 132 p. With 12 lithographs by Gaston Goor. First edition. Slipcase with some stains. Book and lithographs in perfect condition. 

€ 150

* Printed in 1112 numbered copies. Twelve fine original lithographs by Gaston Goor. This is one of 100 numbered deluxe copies on vélin pur chiffon des Papeteries du Marais, with an extra suite of the lithographs in its original crystal paper cover (unopened).

15  POLGAR, Alfred Schwarz auf Weiss. Berlin, Ernst Rowohlt Verlag, 1929. Original cloth with dust jacket. XII, 292 p. First edition. Very fresh and attractive dj, only with a trace of a label at the foot of the spine.  

€ 65

* Collection of short prose sketches. Striking design!

16  POWERS, Gary (& Curt GENTRY) Operation Overflight. The U-2 spy pilot tells his story for the first time. New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Holt, Rinehart & Winston, (1970). Original cloth. (8), 376 p. With SIGNED inscription by Gary Powers. 1st edition. Part of dust jacket with photo of both authors tipped in at inside lower cover. Spine a bit discolored. 

€ 150

* With autograph inscription of the man who was world news in 1960: Francis Gary Powers (1929-1977), who was captured by the Russians when his U-2 spy plane was shot down over the Soviet Union. He was freed in 1962 and died 15 years later in a helicopter crash.

17  PROUST, Marcel À la recherche du temps perdu. Texte en partie inédit établi sur les manuscrits autographes, variantes, notes critiques, introduction. Résumé de chaque partie de l'oeuvre. Index des noms de personnages et des noms de lieux. Chronologie de Marcel Proust par Pierre Clarac et André Ferré. Préface d'André Maurois. Paris, NRF, 1959. Bibliothèque de la Pléiade. 3 volumes. Supple brown leather with original wrappers.  XLII, 1010; 1226; 1326 p. Wrappers worn. 

€ 90

* The complete cycle with ample notes and indexes.

18  SCHNEIDER, Sascha Postcard (black-and-white) with a photo of the painting 'The Feeling of Dependency', a chained nude male observed by a monster. 14 x 8,5 cm. Issued in Russia. Probably about 1910-1920. A bit soiled.  

€ 25

* Sascha Schneider (1870-1927), who was born in St. Petersburg, was famous for his Karl May cover illustrations and for his depictions of handsome males. Added: a postcard showing a painting of Cain and Abel (titled 'Bromos') and a postcard with a painting of a woman with a cat and a skull ('Zlost', = ‘Wrath’), both b/w, by unspecified painters and possibly from Russia. The scan shows the painting by Schneider and part of the two other paintings.

19  STEINBECK, John Original Press Photo from January 7, 1966. Original photo of United Press International, stamped and with an official caption on a ticket, dated '7-1-66'. Also with two later tiny newspaper clippings about Steinbeck's death in 1968. 26,0 x 20,3 cm. Some traces of use. 

€ 100

* A beautiful portrait of the rugged, elderly author with a black cap. According to the caption, 'Steinbeck watched a whale boat race between Norway and the U.S. Coast Guard.'

20  STRAPAROLA, Giovanni Francesco Les facétieuses nuits de Straparole. Traduction Pierre de Larivey. Illustrations de Léon Lebègue. Préface de Jules de Marthold. Paris, Charles Carrington, 1907. Two volumes. Original wrappers. (2), LXXXVIII, 312, (6); (4), VI, 374, (4) p. Unopened. Of a total edition of 800 numbered copies, this is one of 750 on vergé d'Arches. The only Carrington edition. Excellent condition. 

€ 220

* A lovely book, richly illustrated, in its original wrappers. We have some other pictures from this book, feel free to ask.



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