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Ymaigies & Litteratoor


Illustration from Nr. 25 of this list  


1.  (LAPORTE, Antoine) Bibliographie Clérico-galante. Ouvrages galantes ou singuliers sur l'amour, les femmes, le mariage, le théatre, etc. Écrits par des Abbés, Prêtres, Chanoines, Religieux, Religieuses, Évèques, Archevèques, Cardinaux et Papes, par L'Apotre Bibliographe. Paris, M.-A. Laporte, 1879. Part of original paper covers pasted on boards. XXVIII, 180 pp. First edition. A bit soiled and used. Cheap paper browned. 

€ 25

* Bibliography with explanations, mainly concerned with 'immoral' works by priests. L'Apotre Bibliographe is Antoine Laporte in a part-anagram.

2.  ANDRIAN, Leopold Gedichte. (Den Haag, De Zilverdistel, 1913). Vellum. (8), 40 p. Printed by Enschedé with a 15th century Antiqua type of Peter Schöffer on handmade paper in 150 numbered copies. Inside paper on vellum covers slightly creased. 

€ 275

* This copy not numbered, vellum without vignette or title. With remark in pencil: 'ex bibliotheca P.N. van Eyck'. Van Eyck was one of the founders of De Zilverdistel, the earliest Dutch private press company. This book with its variant binding could be a record copy.

3.  BARBARBER. TIJDSCHRIFT VOOR TEKSTEN. Complete run. Nrs. 1-87(-90). Amsterdam, 1958-1971(-1990). Original wrappers. Nrs. 1-35 stenciled, nrs. 36-87 offset (as published). Nrs. 9 and 14 in photocopy. 

€ 1850

* Rare set of this Dutch avant-garde periodical, with contributions by a.o. J. Bernlef, G. Brands, C. Buddingh', Remco Campert, Chris van Geel, Jan Hanlo, K. Schippers and Leo Vroman. Included: no. 75 (1969, Jan Hanlo record), no. 88 (1989, printed by hand in 75 copies), and no. 89 (1990, a full bottle of wine (!), numbered and signed by the editors). Added: Barbarber (1968), three texts by Bernlef, Brands and Schippers, hand printed in 50 numbered and signed copies; Barbarber 47b (1976); some invitations, prospectuses and newspaper clippings. Complete sets of this one-of-a-kind periodical are very hard to find!

4.  (BAYROS, Franz von). BIERBAUM, Otto Julius Das schöne Mädchen von Pao. Ein chinesischer Roman. Prachtausgabe mit Bildern von Bayros. München, Georg Müller, 1910. 32 x 22 cm. Original full morocco richly gilt with Chinese decoration (design Paul Renner). (10), 216 p. Uncut. Seven full-page illustrations by Franz von Bayros. Printed in 600 numbered copies on handmade paper. Spine just a little discolored. Some foxing, especially the first and last leaves. 

€ 650

* Sumptuous edition printed by Joh. Enschedé in Haarlem, using various ancient typefaces from the great Enschedé collection. This flambloyant book is a blend of Chinese and European elements, a field job of famous typographer Paul Renner (1878-1956), but instigated by its author Otto Julius Bierbaum, who died just before the book was published.

5.  BREUER, Hans (Hrsg.) Der Zupfgeigenhansl. Leipzig, Friedrich Hofmeister, 1915. 17 x 12 cm. Original cloth. 252 p. Illustrated with attractive silhouettes by Hermann Pfeiffer. 28th edition, 214th -218th thousand. Binding with a small grey spot.  

€ 15

* The famous songbook of the Wandervogel movement, first published in 1909. Many Wandervogel died in the trenches of the Great War (where this songbook was a staple diet), including Breuer himself. 'Zupfgeige' or 'plucking fiddle' is a humorous name for the guitar, 'Hansl' means Little Hans.

6.  CABELL, James Branch Jurgen. Een historie van Gerechtigheid. Vertaling van J.A. Sandfort. Laren, A.G. Schoonderbeek, [1928]. Cloth with dust jacket. 292 p. First edition. DJ only slightly worn at the spine area, with dated price ticket (1929). Some foxing. 

€ 35

* The only translation into Dutch of this curious fantasy novel, first published in 1919. Jacket with a long text: an extensive, high-and-mighty tongue-in-cheek description. Fine binding design by Johan Briedé: a frog on the Holy Cross. The printer's mark, a busy dung beetle (!) was designed by Briedé, too. Exact translation of the title: "Jurgen. A History of Justice. Translation by J.A. Sandfort". Very rare!

7.  (CARRINGTON) - An English Bohemian The Book of Exposition. (Kitab al-Izah fi'Ilm al-Nikah b-it-Tanam w-al-Kamal). Literally Translated from the Arabic by an English Bohemian with Translator's Foreword, Numerous Important Notes illustrating the Text, and several interesting appendices.

  Paris, London and New York, Maison d'Editions Scientifiques, 1900. 20 x 14 cm. Unprinted wrappers. LX, 240 p. Uncut. Printed in red and black on India paper. With 2 pages of publisher's ads at the beginning and 2 at the end. Wrappers worn at the edges.

€ 200

* Erotic oriental tales. 'Exposition' here means 'denuding'. Printed on very thin and supple India paper. An earlier edition had been issued by Charles Carrington in 1896. There appears to be another variant in a larger format on Dutch paper (see Guacamole 24). An unusual and very rare eroticum!

8.  EROTICA Chronique arétine. Ou recherches pour servir à l'histoire des moeurs du dix-huitième siècle. Première livraison. Réimpression textuelle de l'édition originale Caprée, 1789. Avec une note bibliographique. Neuchatel, Imprimé par les presses de la Société, le 31 décembre 1872. 16 x 10 cm. No binding, threads partly loose. VIII, 64 p. Uncut. Printed in 100 numbered copies on fine paper. This is no. 20. Outer pages very lightly foxed. 

€ 25

9.  FRENZEL, Joachim und Otto. & FRÖBUS, W. Die Luftschiffe der Welt 1911. Statistisch zusammengestellt von -. Leipzig, Felix Merseburger, 1911. Original decorated wrappers. Stapled. 20 p. Illustrated. First edition. Fine copy.  

€ 390

* Airships compared statistically. With a helpful panorama of all existing airships. Attractively illustrated cover in bronze and blue on dark blue. A fantastic book meant as a sales catalog for zeppelins, and very beautiful!

10.  FRIEDLAENDER, Benedict Renaissance des Eros Uranios. Die physiologische Freundschaft, ein normaler Grundtrieb des Menschen und eine Frage der männlichen Gesellungsfreiheit. In naturwissenschaftlicher, naturrechtlicher, culturgeschichtlicher und sittenkritischer Beleuchtung. Schmargendorf-Berlin, Verlag 'Renaissance' (Otto Lehmann), 1904. Contemporary cloth. XVI, 322, 88 p. Silk marker. Frontispice and two vignettes. First edition. Excellent, clean copy. 

€ 100

* First edition of this groundbreaking work about homosexuality, with the addition 'Aphorismen, Zusätze und Excurse'. Attractive art nouveau decorations by Casberg-Krause: in the frontispice a youngster looks dejectedly at a broken diadem. One vignette shows a thoughtful boy's statue where two longtailed mice took residence, and the other a humorous dragon with a spiky collar, captioned 'The Aesthetic Spirit'.

11.  GEORGE, Henry Het licht der Nieuwe Wereld. De millionairs, de rijken, de burger-middenstand, de armen, bekeken door eenen socialen bril. Amsterdam, Joh. G. Stemler Czn., 1888. Original lithographed wrappers. (4), 208 p. First Dutch edition of Social Problems. Backstrip a bit worn, price crossed out, otherwise an excellent copy of a fragile book. 

€ 20

* Henry George (1839-1897) was an influential political economist.

Het licht der Nieuwe Wereld" />

Het licht der Nieuwe Wereld" />

12.  (GOLDEN COCKEREL PRESS). WHITFIELD, Christopher Mr. Chambers and Persephone. A Tale. With Wood-Engravings by Dorothea Braby. London, The Golden Cockerel Press, (1937). Cloth. 66 p. Unlimited edition. Wood-engraved illustrations and vignettes. First edition. Fine wood-engraved bookplate of C. Asselbergs by W.J. Rozendaal. Original upper cover pasted in at the end. 

€ 15

* Fine wood engravings full of love.

13.  GONCOURT, Edmond de Germinie Lacerteux. Précédée d'un prologue et suivie d'un épilogue. Tirée du Roman d'Edmond et Jules de Goncourt. Paris, G. Charpentier et Cie., 1888. Cloth-backed marbled boards. (8), X, 136 p. First edition. Cover slightly worn. Some foxing. 

€ 180

* With autograph dedication of the author 'au Saint-Cyrien Gauthier/ Edmond de Goncourt'. A Saint-Cyrien is a pupil of the École spéciale militaire de Saint-Cyr, the foremost French military academy.

14.  GOUDSMIT, Sam en Chris BEEKMAN De Gast-vertellers. Een serie pogingen tot een eenigszins fatsoenlijk Cabaret in klein-kwarto. Laren-Gooi, De Meng, 1924. Cloth-backed boards with title ticket. 80 p. Illustrated. First edition. Boards slightly worn.

€ 25

* A curious self-published book in Dutch, signed by writer Goudsmit and painter Beekman. Film-like scenical texts, illustrated with intriguing drawings playing with various styles, some modernist and some traditional. Translation of the title: 'The Guest-Storytellers. A Series of Attempts at a Somewhat Decent Cabaret in Small Quarto.'

15.  HERRICK, Albert B., & Edward C. BOYNTON American Electric Railway Practice. New York, McGraw Publishing Company, 1907. 23 x 15 cm. Original cloth. (2), vi, 404 pp. With 223 pictures and diagrams (some folding). First edition. Top and tail of spine very slightly worn, minor white spot on front cover. Gutters (inside binding) splitting, name on inside frontcover, blind-stamp on title page ('Library of Robert A. Hall'), but a very good copy of a sturdy work. 

€ 40

* Detailed, technical study of electric railway transportation 104 years ago.

16.  HERRICK, Robert Two typescript letters to Saul K. Padover about Upton Sinclair, signed, dated '30 Dec. 27' and '7 January 1928'. Two folded leaves of blue green paper, typed on one side only (each). 21,5 x 14,0 cm. 15 and 9 lines.  Some fingering and glue marks. 

€ 45

* Letters by the ageing novelist (1868-1938) to youthful author and historian S.K. Padover (1905-1981), who had written an article about Herrick's book Waste (1924). 'Mr. Upton Sinclair has sent me your letter to him in which you refer so warmly to my "Waste". ... 'I judge that our views about "Money Writes" [by Sinclair, 1927] are much the same, - that the criticism of individual writers is discerning and courageous but the philosophy oversimplified.' Also about Herrick's resignation as a professor in Chicago.

17.  HERVIEU, Louise Montsouris. Paris, Émile-Paul Frères, 1928. 20 x 14 cm. Original illustrated wrappers. (8), 108 p. Uncut. With a frontispice and a vignette by the author. First edition. 

€ 25

* Attractive book printed in 1500 numbered copies. With a SIGNED DEDICATION on halftitle. Édition originale. Series Portrait de la France, edited by J.-L. Vaudoyer.

18.  HIRSCHFELD, Magnus Sittengeschichte des Weltkrieges. (Inscribed by the Author). Leipzig-Wien, Verlag für Sexualwissenschaft Schneider & Co., (1930). Vol. 1. Original cloth with dust jacket. XX, 416 p. Richly illustrated. First edition. DJ a bit coffee stained. Binding worn, damaged and a bit warped. 

€ 800

* Poor copy, but with 3-line AUTHOR'S DEDICATION: 's.l. Dr. Günter Tessmann,/ der hochverdienter Erforscher/ der Seelen u. Sitten der Völker/ (hard to read, possibly 'vom Herausgeber')/ Dr. Magnus Hirschfeld./ Berlin I.f.S.W. 2/IX 30.'.

In turn, Tessmann gave the book to Felix Bryk, the Swedish anthropologist and entomologist, author of Dark Rapture. The Sex-life of The African Negro (1939), which is a translation of Neger-Eros (1928), as is testified by an inscription of Tessmann, dated 'Berlin, den 11 August 1936'. Anthropologist and explorator Günter Tessmann (1884-1969) went into exile to Brazil from Nazi-Germany in 1936.

(s.l. = 'seinem lieben': 'to his dear Dr. Günter Tessmann, the outstanding researcher of the minds and customs of the nations, from the publisher Dr. Magnus Hirschfeld. Berlin, Institute for Sexual Science, September 2 1930'. Tessmann's dedication: 'To his dear Felix Bryk in friendly remembrance to Dr. Günter Tessmann'.)

About the work of anthropologists Tessmann (who appears to have been bisexual) and Bryk and their relevance for Hirschfeld, there is a very interesting article in Anthropologica. Vol. 48, No. 2, 2006. '"Bisexuality" and the Politics of Normal in African Ethnography' by Mark Epprecht, p. 187-202.

Books inscribed by Hirschfeld are rare.

19.  (KICKSHAWS). CROMBIE, John, & Sheila BOURNE Cependant... Paris, Kickshaws, 1991. 16 x 12 cm. Original wrappers. 36 p. Text by Crombie, graphics by Bourne, printed in 120 numbered copies. First edition. Fine copy. 

€ 30

* Experimenting with a man's facial expressions.

20.  (KICKSHAWS). CROMBIE, John, & Sheila BOURNE A Rolling Stone. Paris, Kickshaws, 1989. Oblong 14 x 20 cm. Original wrappers. 50 p. for the most part printed on one side only. Text by Crombie, 24 graphics by Bourne, printed in 95 numbered copies. First edition. Fine copy. 

€ 40

* The life of a stone, a nice purple stone with a soul, through billions of years. (Maybe I shouldn't say this, but the ending is happy!). An extremely effective and amusing book, reminding one of Edward Gorey.

21.  KINGSLEY, Charles Autograph Letter Signed and dated 'Feb 27/[18]60' from Chelsea. 17,5 x 11,0 cm. Written on one side only, pasted to a larger piece of paper. 13 lines. Twice folded. 

€ 50

* Kingsley permits the editor of a magazine the inclusion of some pages of one of his books. He never gave such a permission before, but 'your magazine is so good, & the children like it so much that I am bound to consent'. Charles Kingsley (1819-1875) was the author of many famous books like Westward Ho! (1855) and The Water Babies (1863).

22.  LARBAUD, Valery - STOLS, A.A.M. Correspondance. 1925-1951. Édition établie par Christiane et Marc Kopylov avec une Introduction de Pierre Mahillon. Paris, Éditions des Cendres, (1986). Two volumes in slipcase. 320; 112 p. Printed in 1500 numbered copies. With advertising slip ('La passion du livre'). First edition. Slipcase a bit discolored.  

€ 28

* The second volume contains an index with extensive explanations, a short bibliography of Stols in French, a bibliography and additions.

23.  (LEBEDEFF, Jean). Jean-Paul DUBRAY L'Ymaigier Jean Lébédeff. Présentation de Pierre Champion. Nombreuses compositions originales dessinées et gravées sur bois et Catalogue complet de l'oeuvre de l'artiste. Paris, Self-published, (1939). 25 x 21 cm. Original wrappers. Numerous original wood engravings. Printed in 575 numbered copies, this copy one of 500 on Rives. First edition. Cover sligthly soiled. 

€ 85

* Attractive and all-encompassing work about the Russian-born French illustrator (1884-1972) in spacious quarto format. Fine typography.

24.  MALRAUX, Clara La fausse épreuve. Orné de six planches hors texte dessinées par May Néama. (Brussels), Aux Dépens des Éditions Lumière [= Angèle Manteau], (1946). 27 x 20 cm. Original folding wrappers. 88 p. Printed in 756 copies, this is one of 10 marked H.C. with an extra suite of the illustrations on Ingres paper. Printed on laid paper. Copy in fine condition with its original clamshell box (a bit worn). 

€ 60

* Collection 'La Flèche d'Or' (= The Golden Arrow).

25.  MATRAS, Pierre, & E.-L. BOUCHER Les Dadas. Roman Hippique, Satirique et Sentimental. Paris, Marcel Seheur Éditeur, about 1930. 23 x 14,5 cm. Original illustrated wrappers. (2), 158 pp. Uncut. First edition. A bit soiled, loosening. 

€ 16

* Attractive humoristic drawings by Matras coupled by a nice story about Bidart, an old soldier, and his love, Caramella. About French soldiers returning from the Great War.

26.  MAUGHAM, William Somerset Typed letter with signature to the librarian William Bennet Stevenson (Hornsey Central Library) in London. On paper printed 'Villa Mauresque,/ St. Jean Cap Ferrat,/ A.M.' 20,7 x 13,0 cm. Dated '6th February, 1964.' Maugham, who had celebrated his 90th birthday on Januari, 25, thanks Stevenson effusively for his congratulations: 'I cannot tell you how pleased and flattered I was'. 8 lines. With original sealed airport envelope, on which someone wrote with trembling hand 'Signature could be of value'). 

€ 200

* Villa Mauresque was a colossal mansion built by King Leopold II of Belgium for his own Father Confessor on the peninsula of Cap Ferrat (Alpes-Maritimes), with the added luxury of a built-in swimming pool. Somerset Maugham bought the Villa in 1928 and lived in it until his death in 1965.

27.  MONTHERLANT, Henry de L'Exil. Pièce en trois actes (écrite en 1914). Avant-propos de René Groos. Illustrations de Edy Legrand. Paris, Éditions du Capitole, (1929). Original wrappers. 206 p. Uncut. Of a total edition of 2570 copies, this is one of only 10 copies on Imperial Japanese paper, numbered 7-16, with a suite of 4 etchings/ aquatints of the illustrations. First edition. Some tiny spots. 

€ 250

* With a bibliography of the author. The colophon has been SIGNED by Montherlant in violet ink. Very rare.

28.  NAGEL, Éditions Catalogue des Éditions Nagel. Printemps 1949. Paris, Éditions Nagel, 1949. 18 x 12 cm. Stapled. 16 p. Cover illustrated with 4 photos by Jean Reissmann. Printed in red and brown. Tiny stains around staples, very slight wear.

€ 30

* Elegant publisher's catalogue with graceful nightly photos on exterior and interior of the cover, printed stylishly in photogravure. Some authors mentioned: Beauvoir, Isherwood, Lukacs, Merleau-Ponty, Sartre, Spender, Tzara.

29.  POWYS, T.F. Christ in the cupboard. London, E. Lahr, 1930. Blue Moon Booklets no. 5. Original wrappers. (2), 18 p. Uncut. One of 500 numbered copies, signed by the author. Frontispice. First edition. Cover partly browned. Bookplate of James McCarthy Hadley. 

€ 30

* Short story.

30.  POWYS, Theodore Francis An Interpretation of Genesis. London, Chatto & Windus, 1929. 26 x 17 cm. Cloth-backed decorated boards. (8), 104 p. Top edge gilt. Unopened. Austerely printed with Caslon type and a black letter on fine laid paper in 490 numbered and SIGNED copies. First edition. Flyleaves partly foxed. 

€ 35

* In the form of a dialogue between 'The Lawgiver of Israel' and 'Zetetes'. An 'original, heretical, and at times profoundly moving attempt to distil the spiritual truth from the Book of Genesis', according to Richard Perceval Graves.

31.  (RACKHAM, Arthur). GOLDSMITH, Oliver The Vicar of Wakefield. Illustrated by Arthur Rackham. London, Harrap & Co., [1929]. 4to. Full vellum with lettering and spine decoration after Rackham. 232 p. Ample deckle edges. With twelve illustrations in color plus some in black-and-white by Arthur Rackham. Flyleaves with Rackham silhouettes.One of 775 numbered copies, printed on mould-made Milbourn paper. First edition. Tiny tear on top of spine, a few foxing spots. 

€ 600

* Fantastically beautiful illustrated book, SIGNED by Arthur Rackham. This is one of 575 copies issued for Britain. A fine deluxe edition!

32.  RÉTIF DE LA BRETONNE La Duchesse ou La Femme-Sylfide. Deux burins originaux de Marcel Jean. Paris, Collection à Trois Clefs d'Or, 1946. 14 x 10 cm. Original wrappers. 108 p. Uncut. 1000 numbered copies were printed on Vélin de Marais, but this copy unnumbered. Apart from some insignificant backstrip wear a fine copy. 

Free with an order

* Tiny, elegant edition of this famous French libertine book, illustrated with two original copper engravings by Marcel Jean.

33.  RONSARD, Pierre de Livret de folastries a Janot parisien. Édition conforme au texte original de 1553 augmentée ... par Fernand Fleuret et Louis Perceau. Paris, Bibliothèque des Curieux, 1920. Calf-backed green marbled boards with title shield. 176 p. Uncut. Backstrip discolored. 

€ 25

* Nice binding with gilt satyr's bust on the spine.

34.  ROYCROFTERS - HUBBARD, Elbert, as Fra Elbertus The City of Tagaste. (&: A Dream and a Prophecy). East Aurora, NY, Roycrofters, 1900. 27 x 21 cm. Gilt original boards with suede backstrip and corners. (16), 34 pp. Uncut. Top gilt. Printed in 940 numbered copies on heavy, specially made Roycroft paper. With tipped-in photogravure portrait of the author. Hand-illumined by Minnie Gardner. First edition. Suede of front cover chipped and a bit damaged. 

€ 90

* SIGNED by Hubbard and Gardner. Alas, the durability of the soft leather Roycroft bindings is often middling... Illuminated by artist Minnie Gardner with two beautiful botanical borders and an art-nouveau publisher's device. Heraldic bookplate of Samuel Wright.

35.  (STEVERSLOOT, Laurens) Papekost, opgedist in Geuse schotelen, handelende van de Pausselyke opkomst, afgodery en beeldendienst mis, mitsgaders hun val en einde. In Nederduitsche Dichtkonst gebragt. Blokziel, Op kosten van den uitgever [= Leiden, Joh. du Vivie], 1720. Calf. (8), 172 p. With frontispiece and 26 engravings in the text. Spine and edges a bit worn, flyleaves browned, slightly loosening; book block in good condition. 

€ 250

* A popular Dutch Protestant diatribe against the pope and the Catholic Church, with several beautiful illustrations: especially the ingenious frontispiece is worth examining. This is the variant with 'Babel-beest' and 'Zo' on page 2, one of five known editions with tiny differences, all from the same year. Published without the author's name. 'Op kosten van den uitgever' is a meaningless note, meaning 'At the expense of the publisher'. The literal meaning of the title is 'Popish meal, dished out in Geuzen (protestant rebels) plates, about the Popish upswing, idolatry, heretical Mass, its fall and end. Translated into Dutch poetry'.

36.  THACKERAY, W.M. The Works. With biographical introductions by his daughter, Anne Ritchie. Vols. 11-17 and 20-26 (of 26). London, Smith, Elder & Co., 1911. Contemporary decorated full green calf with gilt titles and box design, raised bands, gilt rules to boards gilt, inner dentelles, marbled endpapers, top edge gilt. Illustrated. 50 cm on your shelf. 

€ 350

* Incomplete set, but still 14 splendidly bound and perfectly readable books in deluxe full leather bindings. We are ready to answer your questions about the contents of the volumes.

37.  VACQUERIE, Auguste 8 Autograph Letters Signed. Eight handwritten letters to 'Mon cher Koning' and to Koning's wife, who lived in Marseille. Two dated: 1881 & 1894. Three on paper with imprint Le Rappel, one with envelope. 

€ 120

* Cordial letters by the author and journalist (1819-1895), who was the executor of the last will of Victor Hugo. Added: a copy of Les Hommes d'Aujourd'hui, 8 November 1878, with portrait of Auguste Vacquerie with accompanying article by Félicien Champsaur.

8 Autograph Letters Signed" />

8 Autograph Letters Signed" />

38.  VILLON, François Oeuvres de François Villon. Le lais, Le testament et ses ballades. (Den Haag, Kunera Pers, 1926). Original limp vellum with gilt spine title. (4), 142 p. Set by hand and printed with the Disteltype by J.F. van Royen in blue, red and black in 110 copies. 

€ 750

* One of the great prewar privately printed editions of the Netherlands. The typography was inspired by the incunables; the initials were cut in boxwood by Van Royen himself, a remarkable feat. Van Royen 1964, 15.

39.  WARD, Artemus Artemus Ward (His Travels) Among the Mormons. Part I. On the Rampage. Part II. Perlite Litteratoor. Edited by E.P. Hingston, the Companion and Agent of Artemus Ward whilst On the Rampage. London, John Camden Hotten, 1865. Original cloth. (2), xxx, 192, (32) p. Frontispice and some caricatures in the advertisements at the beginning and end. A little wear on the corners, backstrip a bit discolored. Slight foxing. 

€ 15

* By Charles Farrar Browne (1834-1867), a famous humorist and the favorite author of Abraham Lincoln.

40.  WEST, Ludwig E. Homosexuelle Probleme. Im Lichte der neuesten Forschung allgemeinverständlich dargestellt. Berlin, Carl Messer & Cie., [1903]. 22 x 16 cm. Original wrappers. (4), 260 p. Uncut. First edition. Front wrappers loose, backstrip gone. Covers present, but its edges worn. Lower cover stained and with some numbers in pencil. 

€ 65

* With adverts for two other books by the same author on lower cover. A modern book for its age, according to Karsch-Haack and some others written by Johannes Gaulke.

41.  WILDE, Oscar The Picture of Dorian Gray. Illustrated (in colors) by Majeska. New York, Horace Liveright, 1930. Cloth (with a broken slipcase). Top gilt. viii, 284 p. Printed in purple and black on mould-made paper with deckle edges in 1540 numbered copies. SIGNED by the artist under the frontispice. First edition. Spine slightly worn.

€ 80

42.  WORLD BOOKS (The Reprint Society Ltd) Multicolor Publisher's Advertisements. London, The Reprint Society, about 1955. 16 x 11,5 cm. Multicolor publisher's advertisement folder, about 1955. Accordion fold or leporello (6 p.). 

€ 18

* Nice mid-50s design with special attention for Hemingway (For Whom The Bell Tolls) and Fleming (Brazilian Adventure). And another contemporary 4 p. folder advertising Kipling's Jungle Books and Burnett's The Secret Garden.

Inside and outside of the Thackeray bindings, Nr. 36

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Engraving from nr. 35 of this list

Goto newsletter: 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12