POE, Edgar Allan; Six poèmes

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Newsletter 23 = Catalog 64 (October, 2013)

Cycling Sybils

Illustration from Nr. 70 of this list

Some subjects

Bindings 8-11

John Buckland Wright 13-29

Incunables 41-43

Onanismus 57-60

Minibooks 70-71

Salvage 74

Painting 75

Vordemberge-Gildewart 79-80

Werkman 81-92

Transport 4, 72, 97

CBO editions 62, 77, 78

1 ALLERS, Christian Wilhelm Capri. München, Hanfstaengel, [1892]. 38 x 31 cm. Large book with 48 leaves containing 61 reproductions of the minutely detailed naturalistic drawings by Allers. Printed in various colors. First edition. Spine a bit worn, binding a bit spotted, corners bumped, but gilt decoration and lettering in excellent condition. Inside some foxing at the gutter, name on first page. Some pages loosening. Not perfect, but a quite acceptable copy.

€ 200

* Christian Allers (1857-1915) was famous for his refined, realistic drawings, published in large books starting in 1885. Allers lived on Capri from 1892. This voluminous book was his joyful tribute to the island, full of lively portraits and landscapes.

2 ALLERS, Christian Wilhelm Hochzeitsreise nach Italien. Stuttgart, Berlin & Leipzig, Union Deutsche Verlagsgesellschaft, [1896]. 34 x 45 cm. Large oblong portfolio with 22 leaves (3 double) containing 45 pages printed with collotype ('Lichtdruck') reproductions of the highly detailed naturalistic drawings by Allers. Some drawings in colors. First edition. Spine worn at the outside and the inside, but the rest of the binding is in good condition. Some foxing, especially at the beginning.

€ 150

* Humorous pictorial account of a Honeymoon Trip to Italy of a German couple, with very fine views of Milan and Venice. One of the nicest and largest of Allers's popular book productions. Allers was implicated at the Krupp scandal at Capri (1902). He had to flee from Italy and the last twelve years of his life were spent restlessly travelling the world.


3 ANET, Claude, & 25 others L'Alphabet des Lettres. Paris, À la cité des livres, 1925-1927. 26 volumes. 16,5 x 13,5 cm. Original wrappers. Printed in 495 numbered copies, this is a set of 350 on vergé à la forme d'Arches. All copies are numbered 216. A large number of these books are first editions. A few books have small imperfections, but it is a goodlooking, uniform set.

€ 350

* Books by a.o. Claude Anet, Pierre Benoit, Francis Carco, Raymond Escholier, Jean Giraudoux, Gérard d'Houville, Edmond Jaloux, Paul Léautaud, Andre Maurois, Comtesse de Noailles, Pierre Mac Orlan, André Salmon, Octave Uzanne, Leon Werth, Kikou Yamata and Émile Zavie. 26 books by authors, each with a different initial letter, a curious way of putting together a series of books!

4 BACLÉ, L. Les voies ferrées. L'Histoire - La Route métallique - Le Moteur mécanique - Les Trains en marche - Les Chemins de fer dans les montagnes - Les Voies ferrées dans les villes. Bibliothèque de la nature - La mécanique moderne. Paris, G. Masson, 1882. Original decorated richly gilt blue cloth with title pieces in black. VIII, 322, (2) p. All edges gilt. With 143 wood engravings, partly full-page, and 4 double-page plates on tinted paper. Apart from some tiny spots on the cover an excellent copy.

€ 65

* Attractive book in French about trains, with many enjoyable illustrations.

barbe 25 c.

5 BARBER'S BUSINESS CARD Maison Auguste, 46, Passage Jouffroy, 48 sous l'Horloge. (Ca. 1870). Large steel-engraved business card of a barber/ hairdresser in 19th century Paris. Oblong 16 x 25 cm. Printed on one side only. Glue traces on verso. A bit soiled and with a corner crease.

€ 35

* With a detailed 77 x 137 mm steel engraving of the interior showing customers and barbers at work. 'Taille de cheveux 50 c., Barbe 25 c., Coiffure 25 c. Salon vaste et confortable. 10 Toilettes de front.' Lovely!

6 BARBER'S TRADE BOOKLET. WILLIAMS' SOAP Interessantes für Rasierende und Andere. (Williams' Rasierseifen). Glastonbury, CT., USA, Williams' Soap, ca. 1900. ('Interesting Things for Shavers and Others'). Original illustrated wrappers. 12 p. Illustrations in night blue, text printed in brown. Staples a bit rusty. Some wear and soiling, a crease, a few vague color pencil traces, but a delightful advertising booklet.

€ 25

* American trade booklet in German advertising for shaving and toilet soap with charming illustrations.

publishers ads

7 BIBLIOPHILE Collection of 14 prospectuses for British bibliophile publishers. Various formats, published by The Nonesuch Press (10 pieces, between 1930 en 1965), The Boar's Head Press (1933, with wood engravings by Lettice Sandford), the Wynkyn de Worde Society (1963 and 1967), and The Lion and Unicorn Press (1961).

€ 45

* Naturally, all of these have been printed with the best possible designs on beautiful paper.

8 (BINDING). HOHMANN, Joseph Das Wilhelms-Hospital in Fulda. Ein poetischer Versuch. Fulda, Amand Ney, 1841. Contemporary white richly silk gilt in two shades of gold, pale and yellow, with birds, flowers and garlands in a double border on both sides (not identical). Endpapers in pink patterned paper. All edges gilt. 8 p. With depiction of the hospital. First edition. This extremely delicate binding is in very good condition: only a little wear on corners and gilt border.

€ 190

* This hospital had been founded in 1806 by the Prince of Orange-Nassau, later to become King William I of the Netherlands (1771-1843). This binding was reportedly made for a Dutch royal person and sometime sold from the library of Queen Emma of the Netherlands (1858-1934), mother of Queen Wilhelmina.


9 (BINDING). COOL, Wouter Les installations mécaniques du Port de Rotterdam. Conférence dans l'assemblée extraordinaire du 'Koninklijk Instituut van Ingenieurs', à l'occasion de la visite de l'Association des Ingenieurs sortis de l'École de Liège, le 26 juin 1911. Den Haag, F.J. Belinfante, formerly A.D. Schinkel, (1911). Offprint from the technical weekly De Ingenieur, 21 october 1911, no. 42. Gilt pigs leather. Original upper wrapper bound in. 48 p. With 35 illustrations of cranes and other industrial equipment, and two folding charts. First edition. Fine condition.

€ 275

* Exquisite bookbinding of white pigskin, richly gilt on upper cover (coat of arms of Rotterdam and the year MDCCCCXI in a double frame), gilt double frame on lower cover, gilt turn-ins with art-nouveau motif, mirrors of dark green moiré silk, all edges gilt. This very unusual, one-of-a-kind binding has not been signed. Text of a conference about the mechanical installations of the port of Rotterdam.

10 (BINDING). GOGOL, Nicolas La foire de Sorochinietz. Traduction de Jarl-Priel. Eaux-fortes originales de Véra. Paris, Éditions Galathea, 1945. Folio (32 x 26 cm). Gilt full black morocco (J. Brandt & Zoon). (4), 88 p. With 13 original etchings. Printed in red and black in 300 numbered copies. This is one of 219 on Pur Fil Johannot. Small grey stain on lower cover and a little wear on spine. Inside paper edges a bit tanned where it's kissed by the leather. Otherwise in fine condition.

€ 250

* Magnificent binding with the intricate gilt monogram of collector W. van Spaendonck designed by J. van Krimpen. Signed with a JB&Z monogram on the inside lower cover. Lively Russian farmers' fair etchings.


11 (BINDING). STEVENSON, R.L. Virginibus Puerisque and Other Papers. London, Chatto & Windus, 1906. Full vellum (Cedric Chivers) with slipcase. Gift inscription on flyleaf dated 1907 from P.L.R. to Daisy.

€ 1250

* Resplendent VELLUCENT VELLUM binding signed by innovative bookbinder Cedric Chivers of Bath (1853-1929, later Mayor of Bath) inlaid with mother-of-pearl. The monogram DEAS inside and the delicately painted daisies on the upper cover probably refer to the Daisy of the flyleaf. Formerly in the vast collection of Dutch author Boudewijn Büch.

12 BLOCH, Iwan Das Sexualleben unserer Zeit in seinen Beziehungen zur modernen Kultur. Berlin, Louis Marcus, 1909. Original cloth. XII, 850, XXII p. All edges red. 41st-60th thousand. Fine and bright copy.

€ 45

* Almost in new condition, this copy of the famous 'Sexual Life of Our Time in its Relation to Modern Culture' by the founder of 'Sexualwissenschaft'.

13 (BUCKLAND WRIGHT, John). BRAAK, Menno ter Het tweede gezicht. (Collected essays). (With a signed wood engraving by John Buckland Wright). Den Haag, (L.J.C. Boucher), 1935. Black morocco with 4 ribs (spine discolored). Top gilt. Printed by Boosten & Stols in 620 copies. (2), X, 268 p. First edition. Tiny stamp on inside lower cover: 'ex bibliotheca johan b.w. polak'.

€ 900

* One of 20 deluxe copies on handmade Vélin Vidalon. This is nr. XIII, one of 15 for sale. Signed under the colophon by Ter Braak, the wood engraving signed by John Buckland Wright.According to Reid A17, the copies not for sale (XVI-XX) were bound in black morocco and of the others some were bound in green morocco, the others only sewn in wrappers. A solemnly exquisite binding, this copy was probably bound by Louis Malcorps. Folemprise V. Reid A17.

loving couples

14 (BUCKLAND WRIGHT, John). OMAR KHAYYAM Kwatrijnen. Illustraties van John Buckland Wright. (Translated into Dutch by Ponticus (= H.W.J.M. Keuls) from the FitzGerald translation.) Utrecht, De Bezige Bij, 1944. Narrow 4to (28,5 x 17,5 cm). Original wrappers. 36 p. With collotypes after copper engravings of John Buckland Wright. Printed in red and black on Dutch laid paper in 525 numbered copies. Cover a bit browned, backstrip a bit worn at the foot.

€ 65

* Clandestine edition, issued during the Nazi occupation of the Netherlands. Serene depictions of loving couples. De Jong 618. Reid A42a.

between fire and moon

15 (BUCKLAND WRIGHT, John). ROLAND HOLST, A. Tusschen vuur en maan. (Two stories with six wood engravings by J. Buckland Wright). (Maastricht), De Halcyon Pers, 1932. Original wrappers. 4to. (4), 68 p. Printed on Barcham Green in only 75 numbered copies, signed by Buckland Wright, Roland Holst and A.A.M. Stols. First edition. Save for a small paper fault in one of the text pages a splendid copy. With bookplate and pencil-written shelf number of the poet Victor van Vriesland.

€ 600

* Velvety dark wood engravings by John Buckland Wright. This is a special hors commerce copy printed for Victor van Vriesland, according to an inscription by Stols. De Halcyon Pers 5. Van Dijk 291. Reid A10i.

16 (BUCKLAND WRIGHT, John). VAUDOYER, Jean-Louis Donne-moi ton coeur... Frontispice gravé par J. Buckland Wright. Maestricht, A.A.M. Stols, 1931. Original decorated wrappers. 148 p. Unopened. Printed in red and black in 441 copies. This is one of 400 on vélin anglais (Nr. 4). Copper-engraved frontispice by John Buckland Wright, loosely inserted. First edition. Fine, bright copy.

€ 65

* Charming French deluxe book with copper engraving of a graceful seminude woman in a bedroom. Series 'Les Belles Heures' Nr. 8. Van Dijk 261. Reid A4c.


17 (BUCKLAND-WRIGHT, John). ASDER, H. Keuze. Opgedragen verzen. (With a signed copper engraving by John Buckland Wright). (Den Haag, Boucher, 1939). Loose sheets in a portfolio of heavy laid paper, melinexed. 60 p. Set in Romanée and printed in 50 copies, not for trade. This is one of only 10 grand-luxe lettered copies on Imperial Japanese mother-of-pearl paper. Uncut. Copper engraving (also on Japanese paper) signed in pencil. First edition. Fine.

€ 450

* Resplendent deluxe book of poems by H.A. Sinclair de Rochemont (1901-1942), the founder of the first fascist party of the Netherlands, a friend of 'enfant terrible' artist Erich Wichmann, who is remembered here in a poem in modernist form. With a handwritten dedication by the author to A. van der Minne. A poem was dedicated to him in print ('Het vleugelig lot'). The copper engraving by John Buckland Wright shows a lilylike girl in a translucent dress dancing into a bower. Reid A34a.

18 (BUCKLAND-WRIGHT, John). ASDER, H. Keuze. Opgedragen verzen. (With a signed copper engraving by John Buckland Wright). (Den Haag, Boucher, 1939). Loose sheets in a portfolio, in a (narrow) slipcase. 60 p. Set in Romanée and printed in 50 copies, not for trade. This is one of 40 numbered copies on handmade chancery paper. Uncut. Copper engraving (on the same paper) signed in pencil. First edition. Slipcase soiled and a little worn, portfolio slightly creased, but the book is in excellent condition.

€ 200

* With a handwritten dedication by the author to his friend, the art historian G.C. Labouchère (1896-1971). Two poems are dedicated to him in print (as 'G.L.'). Reid A34b.

19 (BUCKLAND-WRIGHT, John). ASDER, H. Keuze. Opgedragen verzen. (With a copper engraving by John Buckland Wright). (Den Haag, Boucher, 1939). Boards with title label. 60 p. Set in Romanée and printed in 100 copies, of which 80 for trade. Second edition. Delicate narrow paper spine damaged at top and foot. With a prospect.

€ 75

* Like the two preceding items, an opulent book of poems. Cf. Reid A34 (this second edition is not mentioned).

an ocean liner's pilot

20 (BUCKLAND-WRIGHT, John). BRAAK, Menno ter Het carnaval der burgers. Een gelijkenis in gelijkenissen. Arnhem, Van Lochum [sic] Slaterus, 1930. Cloth. 276 p. First edition. Spine loose at lower edge. Bookplate of Everard Bouws on flyleaf: a wood engraving by John Buckland Wright, printed on Japanese nacre paper.

€ 300

* This copy has a handwritten, signed dedication by the author to Everard Bouws on the first page: 'voor Everard Bouws/ in hartelijke vriendschap/ op 11 Maart 1931, toen het/ Carnaval der Minnaars/ werkelijk in vervulling ging./ Menno'. The bookplate shows an ocean liner with pilot boat, two books and a goose quill.

21 (BUCKLAND-WRIGHT, John). CABELL, James Branch Jurgen. A Comedy of Justice. With wood-engravings by John Buckland Wright. London, Golden Cockerel, (1949). Morocco-backed gilt boards (Sangorski & Sutcliffe). (2), 354 p. Top gilt. Uncut. Printed in 500 numbered copies. Leather partly a bit discolored.

€ 125

* Voluminous bibliophile edition printed on fine handmade paper. With elegant, large wood engravings by Buckland Wright. Reid A52b.

22 (BUCKLAND-WRIGHT, John). FLINDERS, Matthew Matthew Flinders' Narrative of His Voyage in the Schooner Francis: 1798. Preceded and Followed by Notes on Flinders, Bass, the Wreck of Sidney Cove, &c, by Geoffrey Rawson with engravings by John Buckland Wright. Londen, Golden Cockerel Press, 1946. 31 x 19 cm. Original full morocco (Sangorski & Sutcliffe). (4), 104 p. Top gilt. Printed in 750 numbered copies on green-grey Arnold's mould-made paper with Bembo type, Centaur initials (Bruce Rogers), and Lyons capitals (Louis Perrin). Wood engravings printed in green. With a map of South-East Australia and Tasmania. First edition. Spine a bit discolored. The faintest of wear on edge tops of the spine. Some offsetting from the leather to the margins of the endpapers. Bookplate of W. & P.J. Kupfer.

€ 750

* This is one of 100 numbered deluxe copies bound by Sangorski & Sutcliffe in full green morocco tooled in gold decorated on upper and lower cover with two different ships designed by Buckland Wright, gilt lines on the inside and decorations on the edges. An absolutely beautiful book. Reid A45a.

23 (BUCKLAND-WRIGHT, John). GRESHOFF, Jan Rebuten. (With a wood engraving by John Buckland Wright). Den Haag, (Boucher), 1936. Original unprinted wrappers and slipcase. 200 p. Printed in 615 copies. First edition. Spine part of wrappers browned, torn and partly loose.

€ 120

* Rebuten = Undelivered letters. This is one of numbered 15 deluxe copies, signed by the author, printed on green Maillol paper and sewn in simple interim-wrappers. Folemprise series 6. Reid A21a.

24 (BUCKLAND-WRIGHT, John). KEATS, John The Collected Sonnets. (With 11 wood engravings by John Buckland Wright). Maastricht, The Halcyon Press/ A.A.M. Stols, 1930. Original cloth. Set in Romanée and printed in 376 numbered copies. Binding a bit browned, corners worn. First and last pages a bit foxed.

€ 180

* The first book illustrated by Buckland Wright, with sinister art-deco wood engravings. Reid A1. The Halcyon Press 7. Van Dijk 214.

See illustration at the end of this newsletter

25 (BUCKLAND-WRIGHT, John). KEATS, John Letters of John Keats to Fanny Brawne. With three poems and three additional letters. Introductory Note by J.F. Otten. (With a wood engraving by John Buckland Wright). Maastricht, The Halcyon Press (A.A.M. Stols), 1931. Gilt cloth. (12), 120 p. Printed in 356 numbered copies. Binding a bit dulled.

€ 45

* Cover design also by Buckland Wright. The Halcyon Press 11. Van Dijk 246. Reid A6b.

26 (BUCKLAND-WRIGHT, John). LEOPOLD, J.H. Verzamelde verzen. Rotterdam, Brusse, 1935. Cloth. Top gilt. 368 p. Partly first edition. With the loose sheet 'Aantekening bij bladzijden 265 en 266'.

€ 250

* One of 50 numbered deluxe copies printed on Ossekop paper of Van Gelder. Bookplate of W.H.E. Baron van der Borch van Verwolde (1910-1943) on inside upper cover, designed by J. Buckland Wright: three unpretentious ravens and the name of this book-hungry maecenas.

27 (BUCKLAND-WRIGHT, John). POE, Edgar Allan. (BUCKLAND WRIGHT, John) The Masque of the Red Death and other Tales. (With ten wood engravings by John Buckland Wright). (Maastricht/ London), The Halcyon Press [= A.A.M. Stols], 1932. Cloth with dustjacket. (2), 174 p. Printed in red and black in 206 numbered copies. The rare dustjacket browned and worn at the edges. Spine slightly paled, flyleaves partly browned, but an excellent copy of a majestic Buckland Wright edition.

€ 375

* One of 175 copies on Barcham Green. The Halcyon Press 13. Reid A9. Van Dijk 288.

28 BUCKLAND-WRIGHT, John Negen houtsneden van J. Buckland Wright voor de N.V. Houtindustrie Picus te Eindhoven. (9 original woodcuts). Eindhoven, N.V. Houtindustrie Picus, [1940]. Original wrappers. (24) p. Printed in 400 numbered copies. 1e druk. Cover partly browned.

€ 120

* 9 woodcuts, printed from the blocks. 7 of these were used as New Year's Wishes by a wood industry company in 1934-1940, the two others (1 and 3) were printed for the first time in this book. Added: nr. 6 of the original New Year's Wishes, Een voorspoedig 1939 toegewenscht. Reid A36a.

29 BUCKLAND-WRIGHT, John Seven Book-cover Designs. Haarlem, Carlina Pers, 1977. Original wrappers. (26) p. Set by hand and printed in red and black on Barcham Green paper in 110 numbered copies.

free with an order

* This book was misbound by the private printer-publisher. This particular copy contains the Introduction and the Keats Collected Sonnets design twice. The title page and Poe Masque design are missing.


30 CLARK, Larry Teenage Lust. New York, self published, 1983. 29 x 23 cm. Original wrappers. 148 p. Photos with an afterword by the photographer (27 p.), dated 1981. First edition. Cover a bit worn, lower wrapper has been folded.

€ 275

* A real cultbook, highly controversial because of the raw pictures of young people and their sex and drugs. There is no bound edition of this book - wrappers only.

31 COLERIDGE, S.T. The Rime of the Ancyent Marinere, in seven parts, by Samuel Taylor Coleridge, now spelled in modern style & embellished with designs by Andre Lhote. Paris, Émile-Paul, 1920. Original wrappers: black tar paper boards covered with a fishing net! (4), 52 p. With a frontispice and nine fantastic vignettes. Printed in 729 numbered copies on Dutch handmade paper (of Van Gelder Zonen). First thus. Fishing net left a brown ghost on endpapers.

€ 50

* Unusual edition of the famous Rime of the Ancient Mariner, illustrated with some surreal designs and printed on heavy handmade paper, wrapped in a rough fishnet.

double portrait

32 DECARIS, Albert Two portraits. Self portrait in crayon. (&) Engraved self portrait. Drawing and envelope. 1982. 26,5 x 20,5 cm. Twice folded. Creased. Pasted on a sheet of paper by a signature hunter (who typed two lines at the foot of the drawing). Original calligraphed envelope pasted on the other side.

€ 75

* Nice drawing, a fast self sketch of the engraver Albert Decaris (1901-1988) with a dedication 'Très cordialement/ Decaris'. AND a self portrait copper engraving by Decaris, dated 1970.

33 DELVAU, Alfred Histoire du livre d'Alfred Delvau intitulé Heures parisiennes, accompagnée de trois lettres d'Alfred Delvau, d'un beau portrait de Delvau, gravé à l'eau-forte par H. Valentin et suivie de sept cartons de textes supprimés par un censeur occulte placés en regard des textes substitués. (&) Les heures parisiennes. Paris, Librairie Centrale, 1872/ 1866. Morocco-backed marbled boards with corners of polished morocco. Marbled endpapers. Top edge gilt. XLVI, 212 p. Original vellum paper wrappers bound in. With 3 letters in facsimile, portrait frontispice, title and 24 original etchings by Emile Benassit. One of 100 numbered copies. First edition. Text paper a bit discolored.

€ 180

* Combined edition. An attractive erotic book. The etching 'Minuit' in first state with the little Cupido.

the cup and the lip

34 DICKENS, Charles Our Mutual Friend. With Illustrations by Marcus Stone. In Two Volumes. London, Chapman and Hall, 1865. Full gilt calf with two black title labels each. Marbled edges and matching marbled endpapers. First edition in book form. Slight wear at the edges of the spine. The delicate calf upper and lower cover are not absolutely blameless, but the polished calf is still lustrous.

€ 350

* With both halftitles and titles, but without the advertisements at the end. With title explication slip at the beginning. Attractive set, Very Good.

35 DOESBURG, Theo van De nieuwe beweging in de schilderkunst. (With signed author's inscription). Delft, Technische Boekhandel en Drukkerij J. Waltman Jr, 1917. 24,8 x 16,0 cm. Original wrappers. 44, (24) p. Illustrated with art works by a.o. Cézanne, Huszár, Van der Leck, Manet and Toorop. First edition.

€ 750

* 'The New Movement in Painting'. Inscribed by the author on the title page to his sister-in-law, Frie Milius. She was a sister of Lena Milius, who married Van Doesburg on May 30, 1917.


36 (EVOLUTION). SAMIVEL Samovar et Baculot dans Parade des diplodocus. Avec Diplodocus, Triceratops, Ptérodactyle et la Puce. Mise en scène, texte et dessins de Samivel. Paris, Paul Hartmann, 1933. 28 x 25 cm. Original illustrated boards. 56 p. Fully illustrated, partly in colors. First edition. Cover a bit worn (edges) and soiled. Loosening just a bit.

€ 250

* Famous children's book concerning evolution (influenced by Teilhard de Chardin) with brilliantly humorous drawings by Paul Gayet-Tancrède better known as Samivel (1907-1992). Rich in humor (and rich in dinosaurs).

do you want a zeppelin

37 FRENZEL, Joachim und Otto. & FRÖBUS, W. Die Luftschiffe der Welt 1911. Statistisch zusammengestellt von -. Leipzig, Felix Merseburger, 1911. Original decorated wrappers. Stapled. 20 p. Illustrated. First edition. Fine copy.

€ 300

* Comparison of airships. With a panorama of all existing airships. Attractively illustrated cover in bronze and blue on dark blue. If you want to buy a zeppelin, this catalogue is very useful.

38 GRACIÁN, Baltasar Meditazioni sopra la santissima Comunione composte in Lingua Spagnuola dal padre Baldassarre Graziano della Compagnia di Gesù, e tradotta nell' idioma italiano da Francesco de Castro della medesima Compagnia. Venice, Niccolò Pezzana, 1737. 14 x 9 cm. Vellum with calligraphed title on spine. 432 p. Nice inscription on page (2) dated 1737. Excellent condition.

€ 110

* Attractive little translation into Italian of El Comulgatorio (= 'The Altar Rail', 1655), by the Spanish Jesuit priest Gracián (1601-1658), an important prose author of the Baroque period, famous for his collection of maxims Oráculo manual y arte de prudencia or (Hand Oracle of) the Art of Worldly Wisdom. The book is a series of meditations about receiving communion, but this theological subject is treated with much expressivity. It is the last book written by Gracián (except for the third and last volume of El Criticón) and the only one published under his own name. This translation not in Worldcat or in any of the various national libraries, only a 1750 edition in the State Library of Montecassino.

39 HIRSCHFELD, Magnus, (Ed.) Jahrbuch für sexuelle Zwischenstufen mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Homosexualität. Herausgegeben unter Mitwirkung namhafter Autoren im Namen des wissenschaftlich-humanitären Komitees. 6. Jahrgang. Leipzig, Max Spohr, 1904. Original cloth-backed boards. IV, 744 p. Illustrated. First edition. Binding a bit worn, lower cover slightly soiled. Still a very good copy.

€ 220

* Sixth Yearbook of the voluminous scientific series about (mainly) homosexuality, a real Fundgrube. In this volume a.o. the original version of 'The Uranian before the Church and the Holy Scripture' by Caspar Wirz, the result of very early statistical research by Magnus Hirschfeld about the percentage of homosexuals, medical research of 103 men with a uterus and of 58 menstruating hermaphrodites; the preliminary presentation of a model of sex differences by L.S.A.M. von Römer, an important article about the personality of August von Platen by elusive scientist Ludwig Frey, and last but not least the almost 200 pages of the bibliography of publications about homosexuality in the year of Our Lord 1903.

Two bearded women

les cigares charbonnaient

40 HUYSMANS, J.K. En ménage. Parijs, Charpentier, 1881. Cloth-backed marbled boards (modern private binding). (4), 348 p. First edition. Ink inscription on flyleaf. Some foxing.

€ 250

* This copy has a handwritten, signed dedication by the author on the first page: 'A. M. Jan ten Brink/ son confrère/ J.K. Huysmans'. Ten Brink (1834-1901), an almost forgotten author (but a mentor of Couperus and Emants) had contacts with many French authors.

cura, labor, meritum

41 (INCUNABLE). SENECA, Lucius Annaeus Opera philosophica. Epistolae. [Venice, Johannes & Gregorius de Gregoriis, de Forlivio, about 1492]. Folio (31,8 x 21,8 cm). 18th century vellum with seven ribs. 237 ff (of 238, lacking only the final blank C10). 60 lines plus head line. Roman type. Capital spaces with guide letters. Binding a bit worn at lower corners, spine soiled and with an old ticket. 18th century bookplate (Joseph Mazarin?). Marginal notes (some trimmed) in a neat cursive contemporary hand, perfectly legible. A bit soiled and some stains. Tiny wormhole in margin starting from leaf cii to the end. A few restorations in margins. Some insignificant pinpoint holes in the text. In all a good copy.

€ 5450

* This attractive incunable contains the philosophical works and letters of Seneca, including his correspondence with Saint Paul (which is in fact a forgery from the 4th century), and also some works of the philosopher's father Seneca the Elder, in the Middle Ages thought to be the son's work. No colophon was printed in this book, the explicit ends with a quire register. Contemporary handwritten title on first blank with the Epitaph of Seneca ('Cura, labor, meritum') as a motto. With some misprints in the pagination and elsewhere (e.g. 'Epitsolarum' instead of 'Epistolarum' on leaf II). BMC, V, 595; Goff S-372, BSB-Ink S-269 (the copy that was used for reproduction has some slight differences in the typesetting). 59 copies in the various libraries (but not in the Dutch).


42 (INCUNABLE). MARCHESINUS, Johannes Mamotrectus super bibliam. Venice, Simon Bevilaqua, 12 July 1492. 8vo (16,2 x 12,2 cm.) Old vellum with written spine title ('Vocabularius Sacrç Script:'). 273 leaves. Printed in two columns in a gothic type. 36 lines. First text page partly printed in RED. Three small woodcut capitals, initial spaces with guide letters and many three-line capitals of a rather different gothic type. Binding stained and soiled, a small piece of the lower outer corner has been torn off. Title page (with just the word 'Mamotrectus') is missing. Pastedowns soiled and damaged. First blank has a handwritten dedication saying something like 'A Monasterij S.te Vittorie/ ad … Vittorii de Portis'. At the last page a drawing of a bowl and a flower vase accompanies the name of a former owner ('Questo libro … thoma…'). Two pages loosening, some soiling and stains at the beginning and end. A few bookworm trails in the margins. In the last three leaves, some letters are missing because of bookworm damage. Several old inscriptions, especially in the vocabulary at the beginning. In two places, the book was strengthened with a narrow strip of vellum from an old manuscript. At the end, part of a benediction leaflet was used to fasten the book block to its binding. Three more identical leaflets plus four strips of a woodcut decoration were used to fill up the binding.

€ 3750

* This is the 21st of the 23 incunable editions of this text, usually called 'Mammotrectus super bibliam', however, in this book consistently spelled with one M: Mamotrectus, without 'super Bibliam'. In the colophon another version of the title is used: Mamotrectus tam bibliae quam aliorum plurimorum librorum. The meaning of this curious title is 'nourisher on the Bible', strongly suggesting 'the Bible's Breast Milk'. It is a handbook explaining words and notions of the Bible and other important texts, such as the letters of Saint Jerome to Paulinus and Desiderius, but also about clothes of priests, Latin accents and other practical subjects. The Mammotrectus would be useful if you were preparing a sermon or some other priestly act. After 1500, its popularity waned and it was criticized and ridiculed by Erasmus and Rabelais. The book starts with an extensive vocabulary of Latin words and their location in the Bible. The main part is the handbook. It ends with an index after the colophon.

This copy is a well-used practical book with several assets, such as the first text page printed in red and black, and its riddles to solve: the inscriptions at the beginning and the end could supply more information about former owners. The four identical benediction leaflets, used for the binding, probably date from the 17th century. They have been printed on one side only in a cursive Garamond, and contain a ritual benediction starting "I.N.R.I. Qui verbum caro factum est".

Although soiled and a bit damaged, it is an unpolished, authentic incunable that doesn't give itself away at first glance. References: Goff M252; BMC V 517; BSB Ink M-167; GW M20814.

human acorns

43 (INCUNABLE). OCHSENBRUNNER, Thomas Priscorum heroum stemmata. Rome, Johann Besicken & Sigismundus Mayer, February 18, 1494. No wrappers, but sewn with modern endpapers. Part of early 19th century wrapper preserved. (54) p. Richly illustrated with one full-page woodcut, 75 woodcuts in the text (from 16 blocks), two pages with illustrated borders and several nice woodcut initials. Roman type. First edition. Last blank is missing. Cut short in places. Some stamps from a 19th century library ('Königl. Acad.d. Künste zu Berlin'). First (blank) page slightly soiled and with a written number. Full-page woodcut has some light amateur coloring. Creased, especially last 8 or 10 leaves. Last leaf soiled, rather creased and bumped, but without tears. First and last leaf discreetly and professionally strengthened.

€ 6250

* Charmingly printed early history of Rome ('The Pedigrees of the Ancient Heroes') intended for pilgrims and other visitors. After a preface and sketch of Rome's mythical beginnings with Janus, Romulus is introduced, followed by later kings, heroes and emperors, until the year 412. In the impressive full-page woodcut the Capitoline oak is growing from sleeping Romulus, surrounded by many feats of Roman history. For the 71 smaller illustrations depicting the heroes as human acorns framed by elegantly rendered oak branches, only 12 different blocks have been used, but they are really pleasing. Some of the larger illustrations have been signed IH-HS. According to G.K. Nagler, Monogrammisten III, 1127, this signature might be connected with Jacob von Strassburg. The book ends with a poem by Andreas Prenestinus ('Andrew of Palestrina'). A delightfully illustrated little history book. References: Goff O7; BMC IV 139; BSB O-1; GW M27428.

44 IONESCO, Eugène Théâtre. (Inscribed). Paris, Gallimard, (1954). Original wrappers. 332 p. First edition printed 'S.P.' a review copy. Cover partly loose, browned.

€ 65

* Signed inscription by Ionesco on halftitle to author and translator M.J. Premsela, dated 'Paris, 7.X.1954'. With a tiny note by Premsela on the flyleaf, probably about a review. Several ballpoint markings in the text.

45 (KRIMPEN, J. van). WERUMEUS BUNING, J.W.F. Grafschrift voor Miep van 't Hoff. Opgedragen aan Mária Inez Ignatia Schopman in wie zij voortleeft. [Haarlem], (Joh. Enschedé & Zn.), 1946. Original wrappers with a handcolored armorial design by Pam G. Rueter. (20) p. Unopened. Set from Romanée and printed on Barcham Green in only 50 copies for Jan van Krimpen ("voor J.v.K.").

€ 120

* This poem by Werumeus Buning ("Epitaph for Miep van 't Hoff. Dedicated to Mária Inez Ignatia Schopman, in whom she lives on") was printed when he was banned for one year from publishing because of collaboration with the German occupation.

46 LESAGE, A.R. Het leven van Gil Blas van Santillane, of De Spaanse avanturier. Nu uyt de Fransche in de Nederduitsche Taal overgezet. Verziert met Kopere plaaten. Amsterdam, J. Oosterwijk, Steenhouwer & Uytwerf, 1716-1736. 4 volumes. Vellum with handwritten spine titles. (16), 392; (4), 334; (8), 428; (4), 404 p. With 3 identical frontispices by J. Schijnvoet and 32 full-page copper engravings. First edition. Bindings a bit soiled (esp. vol. 1), flyleaves creased and apart from binding. Paper a bit foxy.

€ 300

* Pleasing, complete set of the famous picaresque novel by Alain René Lesage. The four volumes of this first Dutch translation were each published in the year after the first publication in French, Histoire de Gil Blas de Santillane. Buisman 1323.

history of rome

47 (LIVIUS). FREINSHEMIUS, Johannes Supplementorum Livianorum ad Christinam reginam decas. Stockholm, Joh. Janssonius, 1649. 12mo. 14 x 9 cm. Vellum with written spine title. (24), 512 p. Engraved title page. First edition. Excellent copy without problems, only a little soiling at the beginning and insignificant vague waterstaining at the end.

€ 200

* Nice copy of the first edition of the Swedish professor Freinshemius's supplements of the ten missing books (XI-XX) Livy's History of Rome. Issued in Stockholm by the Dutch publisher Johannes Janssonius.

48 MAPPLETHORPE, Robert Black Males. (Signed). Amsterdam, Galerie Jurka, 1980. 28 x 22 cm. (2), 58 p. First edition. Fine copy without any flaws.

€ 225

* Signed by the artist and dated '80'. Predominantly nude or erotic portraits of black males. Introduction by Edmund White. With a list of names of the models.


49 MARTIN, Don Typescript Letter Signed to Flemish poet Gust Gils, 1962. Bond typing paper. 26,7 x 18,5 cm. Recto only. With MAD heading in red and black and New York address. Dated 'January 11, 1961' (= 1962) and signed with a thick felt tip pen. 22 lines. With headed MAD envelope and cancel stamp with the face of MAD's mascot Alfred E. Neuman, dated Jan 11, 1962. With carbon copy of the original letter by Gust Gils, dated 'december 14th, 1961'.

€ 225

* In a well-written, nice and personal letter, Gils asks Don Martin if he would give permission to print some of his drawings in a Flemish paper. He also asks for Martin's portrait. But Don Martin politely declines. His work only appears in MAD and its editors insist he keeps the readers in the dark. 'They'd be disillusioned to learn that I don't have floppy feet and dangling arms. Actually, I'm thirty years old and look like a normal, clean-cut American male; whatever that may mean to you. Perhaps you've never thought of any Americans as normal or clean-cut.' Also about his own projects. In his 27-line letter, Gust Gils describes himself as a poet of the post-war 'avant-garde', and adds a four-line poem translated into English by himself: 'Someone climbs a pile of crates'... Substantial, funny ensemble!

tainted with incest

50 MENDES, Catulle Zo'har. Roman contemporaine. (Deluxe edition). Paris, G. Charpentier, 1886. Original yellow wrappers. 320 p. Large paper copy, one of 25 numbered copies on papier de Hollande (the only 'grand papier'). First edition. Backstrip breaking, protruding page-ends a bit worn. Some foxing.

€ 100

* Deluxe edition of an early novel by Mendès, about an inverted sexual relationship, tainted with incest, comparable with Monsieur Venus and Le Crépuscule des Dieux.


51 MEYER, Alfred Richard Munkepunkes Moden-Mystik. Kneitlingen am Elmwalde 77 N. Z. In Verlegung bey Rogation Winkelhaken neben dem goldenen Lämmerschwänzchen in der Ruhfäutchen-Twete. (Berlin-Wilmersdorf, A. R. Meyer, 1921). Oblong 20 x 24 cm. Original board cover with oval title ticket written by hand by the author. Printed on handmade paper. Title illustration by Richard Scheibe. Signed by the author on the colophon page. Some browning, but a very good copy without any creases or bumps.

€ 99

* Humorous poetry in an eccentric homemade edition.

signed twice

52 (MOLL, Albert). Occultismus. Siegismund's Vademecum der gesammten Litteratur über Occultismus. Alphabetische und systematische Zusammenstellung der litterarischen Erscheinungen in deutscher Sprache auf dem Gebiete der Mystik, Magie, des thierischen Magnetismus, Somnambulismus, Hypnotismus, Spiritismus, Spiritualismus, Psychismus, sowie verwandter Fächer von 1800 bis Anfang 1888. Vorräthig und zu beziehen durch Karl Siegismund Buchhandlung - Antiquariat - Verlag. Spezial-Buchhandlung für Litteratur über Occultismus. Berlin, Karl Siegismund, 1888. Cloth-backed marbled boards. 112 p. Original upper cover bound in. With 16 p. advertisements. First edition. Binding a bit rubbed and with a library ticket.

€ 140

* Extensive and important catalogue with about 3500 titles about occultism. From the library of the sexologist and psychiatrist Dr. Albert Moll, signed twice by him, and with an attractive 4-color bookplate (showing a sphinx and palm tree over Moll's motto 'Cogniti veri fortiter tenax') and some small marginalia. Moll published several books about occultism.


53 (MONTESQUIOU, Robert de). HARDING, John W. La porte du baiser. Traduit de l'anglais par Frédéric Boutet. Préface du Cte Robert de Montesquiou. Paris, Charles Carrington, 1904. Original wrappers. (4), VIII, 400 p. With 4 b/w extratext illustrations on art paper. First edition. Wrappers somewhat torn and damaged at the edges. Backstrip discolored. Some foxing.

€ 65

* Upper cover with Assyrian decoration, lower cover has publisher's ads. This historical novel is situated in Babylon and Nineveh during the reign of Sennacherib.

two storks

54 NEVIZZANO, Giovanni Sylvae nuptialis libri sex. In quibus ex dictis moder. materia matrimonii, dotium, filiationis, adulterii, originis, successionis & monitorialium plenissime ?discutitur. Venice, Giovanni Antonio Bertano, 1573. Modern vellum. (36), 696 p. Nice woodcut printer's mark with two storks, several larger and smaller woodcut initials. Some old inscriptions on title and on a few other pages, some marginal 'pointing fingers' and a few small stains. Old bottom edge title. In all a quite decent copy.

€ 240

* Collection of texts in Latin about matrimony, sexual relations and family and their relevance for the law by a professor of law at Turin University (died 1540). Rebound in neat modern vellum with title in black on spine. Modern flyleaves.


55 NEWMAN, A. (= Francis Edwin MURRAY) From a Lover's Garden. More Rondeaux and Other Verses of Boyhood. With a Foreword by John Gambril Nicholson. London, Privately Printed for the Author, 1924. Green boards with title labels. 76 p. First edition. Cover slightly worn, but a Very Good copy of a very rare work.

€ 225

* Uranian poetry with a prose introduction and one poem by John Gambril Nicholson, the patriarch of the Uranians.

56 (OLTMANS, Willem). Albert SZENT-GYÖRGYI The Crazy Ape. Written by a Biologist for the Young. New York, Grosset & Dunlap, (1971). Original wrappers. 96 p. Reprint. With underlinings and many exclamation marks by Willem Oltmans. Worn by Oltmans's intensive way of reading.

€ 70

* Oltmans interviewed Nobel Prize winner Szent-Györgyi because of this book. Inserted are three versions of the interview (each of 4 leaves), that took place on September 9, 1972. Two sets of photocopies with handwritten corrections by Szent-Györgyi and one typescript branded 'final' by Oltmans (twice). With a photocopied letter of the Nobel Prize winner to Bruna, a Dutch publisher, about the appointment between Szent-Györgyi and Oltmans. Some newspaper clippings with underlining by Oltmans. Added: some 20 newspaper clippings about Oltmans dating around 1980. Curious collection!

heinous sin

57 (ONANISMUS). SALZMANN, Christian Gotthilf Ueber die heimlichen Sünden der Jugend. Leipzig, Friedrich Christian Wilhelm Vogel, 1819. Leather-backed boards. VIII, 232 p. Telling title engraving with a young man in a bleak wood, contemplating a foot-long cockroach. 4th edition. Copy from the Kinderbesserungsanstalt zu Dresden ('Child Correction Institute in Dresden') with stamps and some other marks on the first few pages. Cover somewhat worn, but inside condition very good.

€ 140

* Interesting anti-masturbation book by the German educationalist Salzmann (1744-1811) in the tradition of Onania, or the Heinous Sin of self-Pollution. First published 1785.

constant anxiety

58 (ONANISMUS). TISSOT, S.A.A.D. L'Onanisme. Dissertation sur les Maladies produites par la Masturbation. Troisième édition considerablement augmentée. Paris, Didot le Jeune, 1765. 16 x 10 cm. Marbled boards with paper spine label. (2), xxiv, 264 p. Edges marbled in red. Third edition. Bookplate removed from inside upper cover. A little wear, but an attractive book.

€ 190

* Early edition of this epochal work, that installed a constant anxiety in generations of adolescents. Nice little vignette on title page. With an extensive preface dated 1764 and greatly enlarged compared to the first Latin edition (1758) and the first in French (1760).

59 (ONANISMUS). TISSOT, S.A.A.D. Het onanismus of verhandeling over ziekten, oorsprongklyk uit de zelfbesmetting. Naar den zesden druk vertaald uit het Fransch van den Heere Tissot. Utrecht, Gisbert Timon van Paddenburg, 1771. Boards. (38), 218 p. First edition. Spine worn, first pages soiled, some dog's ears, but an acceptable, uncut copy of the first Dutch edition of this famous (or infamous) book.

€ 300

60 (ONANISMUS). TISSOT, S.A.A.D. Verhandeling over de kenmerken, oorzaken, toevallen, behoedmiddelen en geneeswijze van het onanismus, of de zelfbesmetting, door den heer Tissot. Vermeerderd met een aanhangsel en op nieuw verbeterd door H.J. Schouten, Med. Doct. te Amsterdam. Amsterdam, Lodewijk van Es, 1827. Original flexible boards. (2), xxviii, 270, (2) p. Uncut. 4th edition. Cover repaired with glue, location numbers, some foxing.

€ 300

* With its original typographical cover and four pages of publisher's ads, this book is rare. (By the way, the first advertisement treats a book about masturbation that's unknown in the bibliographies.)


61 OVIDIUS Treurbrieven der blakende vorstinnen. Minnebrieven der vorsten en vorstinnen. & C. Piersons antwoorden der Grieksche vorsten op twaelf van Ovidius Nazoos treurbrieven der blakende vorstinnen. Rotterdam, J. Naeranus, 1657. & Gouda, printed by Kornelius Dyvoort for Gerrit Sickes, 1658. 15 x 10 cm. Gilt and marbled calf. (24), 334 = 304 p. (misnumbered); (8), 90 p. Edges of book block dyed blue. With 3 different title engravings. First editions. Stain on upper cover. Edges of binding a bit worn. A bit soiled at the beginning and the end. With bookplates of two significant collectors, jhr. J.W. Six and Gouda pharmacist E. Grendel.

€ 575

* Translation into Dutch of Heroides by Ovid. Attractive copy in very good condition with the additional rare Answers by Christoffel Pierson and with evidence of a very respectable provenance. On both sides the binding is adorned with the coat of arms of the wealthy Jewish De Pinto family as a supralibros. Spine richly gilt with 6 compartments, one with title label and five with monogram of A.J. de Pinto (1710-1758).

62 PANTER, Gary, & Mark BEYER Panter versus Beyer. (Paris), CBO Editions, 2003. 46 x 33 cm. Original wrappers with 20 p. including covers loosely inserted. Large format multicolor screen prints. Printed in 100 numbered copies. First edition. Fine condition.

€ 225

* This huge art publication by two influential American cartoon artists contains 16 screen prints, of which 4 double-page.

old earth man

63 POWYS, John Cowper Porius. A Romance of the Dark Ages. London, Macdonald, 1951. Original richly gilt blue half morocco. Top gilt. xx, 684 pp. (India paper). With a portrait of the author as a frontispice. One of 200 numbered and SIGNED deluxe copies of the first edition.

€ 400

* One of the most fascinating novels ever written in its magnificent original deluxe appearance, signed by the author, Old Earth Man John Cowper Powys. If you want a book that is BEST in all aspects…

good wine

64 POWYS, T.F. Mr. Weston's Good Wine. With drawings by George Charlton. (Signed). London, Chatto & Windus, 1927. Cloth with dust jacket. (8), 316 p. Uncut. One of 660 numbered copies, all signed. First edition. Spine of jacket a bit browned, a little wear at top and foot.

€ 125

* The most famous of all the unconventional works of Theodore Powys.

all vellum

65 (PRINTED ON VELLUM). DRYDEN, John Alexander's Feast; or, the Power of Music. A Song in Honour of St. Cecilia: 1697. London, Essex House Press, 1904. Original vellum binding with orange-colored ribbons. (2), 12 p. Delicately hand-colored frontispice by Reginald Savage. Printed ON VELLUM in red and black with hand-painted initials in gold, red, blue and green and a hand-colored vignette, in 140 numbered copies. Excellent, unblemished copy.

€ 490

* Fantastic little book, one of a series of 14 books all printed on vellum and bound in stiff vellum, embossed with a rose and the text 'Soul Is Form' and with a gilt spine title. The initials were painted by Florence Kingsford, a talented calligrapher, who in 1907 married Sir Sidney Cockerell.

nichts neues

66 PROPYLÄEN-VERLAG Collection of advertising ephemera (1929-1930). Various sizes, the largest measuring 37 x 29 cm. All in colors, except for the trade catalogue. Rather various designs relating to the book's design. The largest prospects are folded and a bit worn. With 3 order form cards.

€ 100

* 1. Die Werke des Propyläen-Verlags. Trade catalogue, 96 p., 1929. 2. Constantin-Weyer, Ein Blick zurück und dann... 4 p., 1929. 3. Alonso de Contreras. 4 p., 1929. With 3 lithographies. 4. Hans Flesch, Die Amazone. 4 p., 1930. 5. Die Kunst des frühen Mittelalters. 8 p., 1929. 6. Die Kunst des Rokoko. 6 p. Leporello, 1929. 7. Kunst und Kultur von Peru. 16 p., 1929. 8. Hans Leip, Die Blondjäger. 6 p. Leporello, 1929. 9. Die Propyläen Weltgeschichte. 16 p., 1929. 10. Die Propyläen Weltgeschichte Band VII. 1 p., 1929. 11. Rodion Markovits Sibirische Garnison - E.M. Remarque Im Westen nichts Neues 999. Tausend. 4 p., 1930. Unusual collection of very rare book advertisements, designed with much care.

67 RIZA KHAN DANICHE, Prins Arfa-ud-Dovleh Mirza Échos de la conférence de La Haye. Traduction ou adaptation en vers ou en prose en quinze langues de l'original Persan. Constantinopel, A. Zellich fils (printer), 1903. Richly gilt calf with two title labels. Marbled flyleaves. Original wrappers bound in. With photographical portrait of the author. (168) p. Printed in green and black. First edition. Binding slightly worn, first pages a bit loose. Signed by the author and dated 1907.

€ 125

* Échos de la conférence de La Haye is a poem in Persian, written by the First Delegate of Persia of the First Peace Conference in The Hague (1899), the famous Prince Riza Khan Daniche (1846-1939), a linguistic genius. With translations into French, German, English, Russian, Italian, Spanish, Dutch, Greek, Latin, Ethiopian, Chinese, Arabic and Turkish, with 8 different alphabets. Introductions by several high-ranking people, for instance Sjah Muzaffer-ed-din of Persia and count Lambsdorff, the Russian minister of Foreign Affairs. Most pages of this luxurious edition have been adorned in green floral frames. Prince Riza died in 1939 in Monaco. There, his colossal, Orientalistic villa is still to be admired.

68 SAGITTA (= John Henry MACKAY) Die Buecher der namenlosen Liebe. Neue Gesammt-Ausgabe. Self-published, 1924. 16,5 x 12 cm. Cloth with dust jacket and slipcase. 488 p. Fine copy complete with the often missing original green unprinted dust jacket. Inserted are two printed advertorial leaves, one ('Dies ist eine Satz-, Schrift- und Papierprobe') containing Sagitta's poem 'Gieb die Hand mir...'. Edges of slipcase and spine section of dust jacket a bit worn and discolored.

€ 140

* The revised, definitive edition of the first six of SAGITTA'S BUECHER DER NAMENLOSEN LIEBE ('Sagitta's Books of Nameless Love'). One of 2000 copies, numbered (possibly by the author himself!) both on the printed ticket of the slipcase and in the book. Contents: Vorwort (=Preface for this edition) - Die namenlose Liebe - Wer sind wir? - Fenny Skaller - Über die Stufen von Marmor - Am Rande des Lebens - Gehoer! Nur einen Augenblick! That is, a coming out prose text, two volumes of verse, a full-fledged, intensely touching gay novel, a play and a political pamphlet. The preface recounts the history of Mackay's mighty one-man's fight with homophobia. Of the book publications under Mackay's pseudonym Sagitta during his lifetime (1864-1933) this is the sixth: SAGITTA 06 (1924).

69 (SCHUITEMA, Paul). BINNENDIJK, D.A.M. Balans. Algemeen jaarboek der Nederlandsche kunsten 1930-31. Maastricht, Leiter-Nypels, (1930). 27 x 20 cm. Original wrappers (designed by Paul Schuitema). 160 p. Illustrated. First edition. Spine on the inside restored with muslin. Very slightly worn, outer pages of bookblock browned.

€ 100

* Yearbook with contributions by some of the most important younger artists of the Netherlands, authors Achterberg, Bloem, Ter Braak, Van Duinkerken Marsman, Nijhoff, Du Perron, Roland Holst and Slauerhoff; visual artists Alma, Altink, Chabot, Hynckes, Ivens, Jordens, Koch, Schuhmacher, Charley Toorop, Willink and Zwart, and don't forget the striking modernist cover design by Schuitema.


70 SCHWARZ, Julian Eight Cycling Sibyls. Woodcut by Julian Schwarz. Llandogo, Old Stile Press, 1995. 63 x 60 mm. Printed as a leporello by Nicolas McDowall at the Old Stile Press (Wales) in 240 numbered copies. Original decorated boards bound by Habib Dingle. 8 images of cycling ladies cut on a single narrow board. With its original belly wrapper. First Edition.

€ 30

* Attractive minibook!

71 SCHWARZ, Julian Eight Famous Crows of Rome. Woodcut by Julian Schwarz. Llandogo, Old Stile Press, 1995. 63 x 60 mm. Printed as a French fold by Nicolas McDowall at the Old Stile Press (Wales) in 240 numbered copies. Original decorated boards bound by Habib Dingle. 8 images of impressive birds cut on a single narrow board of wood and printed as a leporello. First edition.

€ 28


72 (SHOESMITH, Kenneth) Royal Mail List of Passengers (of R.M.S. Asturias). (London, Royal Mail Lines, 1939). Original wrappers. 36 p. Printed in black and blue. With vignettes. Small stain at the foot of the first pages, otherwise fine.

€ 45

* Elegant brochure designed by marine painter Kenneth Shoesmith with a delightful color picture of R.M.S. Asturias for a South-American decor as a cover illustration (over both sides). Vignettes by the same artist. The Asturias brought passengers from Southampton, Cherbourg, Portugal, Madeira and Brazil to Uruguay and Argentina, arriving on June 28, 1939.

freezing humor

73 (SKIING). SAMIVEL -10° Quatre-vingt-dix images sur les sports d'hiver. Paris, Delagrave, 1933. 32 x 25 cm. Original illustrated boards. 64 p. Fully illustrated. First edition. Cover browned and with foxing spots. Name on flyleaf.

€ 100

* Fabulously humorous book with 90 skiing cartoons, many in large format. The second album of Paul Gayet-Tancrède, better known as Samivel (1907-1992).


74 SS BERLIN Evening Standard Nr. 25,790. Newspaper in address wrapper, salvaged from the wreck of the SS Berlin, 1907. Newspaper folded and rolled. Date not readable. Wrapper (postal band) with a printed red British postage stamp cancelled '5 PM/ 20 02 07'. With a purple cachet 'Beschadigd door [ramp]/ Harwich-[boot]' partly worn away.

€ 150

* Silent witness of one of the great shipwrecks before the first World War, the disaster of the SS Berlin on the early morning of Thursday, February 21, 1907. This ferry liner between Harwich and Hook of Holland was wrecked on the breakwater of the New Waterway at the Hook. Of its 144 on board, 128 persons were killed. Part of the mail was saved and delivered later to the right address stamped with the purple cachet!


75 (STUDIO, The). PALING, Joh. J. Painted still life with an issue of The Studio. Panel in landscape format measuring 18,9 x 28,2 cm. Fine-grained wood with beveled edges on verso. Painting in green, red and brownish colors signed 'Joh. J. Paling 1934'. Edges slightly worn, but in very good condition. Framed.

€ 160

* The painting is dominated by an issue of The Studio lying on a table in front of a piece of cloth. On the magazine, a conch, a book, an old bottle and a bronze matchbox holder have been placed. The Studio is evidently from the 1920's. About the painter, nothing is known. Not a great painting, but interesting!

76 THELEN, Albert Vigoleis Runenmund. Gedichte. (Munich, Theodor Klüber), 1963. 30 x 21 cm. Morocco-backed boards. 36 leaves bound as a block book with four protection leaves of handmade Japanese paper. Printed in red and black in 150 signed and numbered copies. 30 Roman numbered copies were published under the aegis of the Eugen Diederichs Verlag. First edition. Corners slightly bumped.

€ 125

* A large book of poems, unusual in its appearance. With a folded gift card from the publisher.

77 UG Block. [Paris], CBO editions, [2002]. Entirely screen-printed. 21 x 11 cm. 10 p. leporello with covers. Printed in 100 numbered copies.

€ 65

* Robotic screenprints by UG (Philippe Huger).


78 UG XXX rated 3. (Pop-up book). [Paris], CBO editions, [2003]. Entirely screen-printed. 21 x 11 cm. 12 p. French fold with pop-ups and covers. Printed in 100 numbered copies. Some parts a bit tired or worn.

€ 195

* Complex and delicate, sexy pop-ups by UG, the extremely capable French artist, 'paper engineer' Philippe Huger. Adults only... With a wad of cotton wool on front cover, smelling sweetly.

79 VORDEMBERGE-GILDEWART, F. époque néerlandaise. préface jean arp. Amster-dam, éditions duwaer, 1949. 32 x 24 cm. 5 folding leaves, 25 leaves with tipped-in illustrations in cover, 6 folding leaves in original dust jacket and crystal paper. Typography Vordemberge-Gildewart. Printed in black, grey and red in 300 numbered copies. First edition. Folded illustration of p. 23 sticking together, otherwise a fine copy.

€ 750

* This copy is nr. 180, with a handwritten, signed dedication in Dutch by the artist under the colophon to Herman van den Eerenbeemt (1890-1951), dated 'Amsterdam 2 October 1950'. On this October day Van den Eerenbeemt speeched at the opening of the exhibition of mural paintings by Vordemberge-Gildewart in the prestigious store of De Bijenkorf. Resplendent and luxurious edition, the second and last volume of the 'éditions duwaer', in modern typography without capitals, with many examples (in colors or in black-and-white) of the constructivist art of Friedrich Vordemberge-Gildewart (1899-1962).

80- VORDEMBERGE-GILDEWART, Friedrich, Willem SANDBERG, a.o. frans duwaer * 1.1.1911 + 10-6-1944. [Amsterdam, Duwaer, 1946]. 32 x 25 cm. Original wrappers. (36) p. Illustrated. First edition. Edges a bit worn, small stain at upper cover, but a Very Good copy.

€ 150

* Frans Duwaer, the printer of many forged identity cards during the Nazi occupation of the Netherlands, also produced several first-class clandestine publications. He was executed by the Nazis together with a.o. Gerrit van der Veen, Paul Guermonprez and Karel Pekelharing. Memories of Duwaer by Sandberg and others. Exquisite modern typographical compositions by Vordemberge-Gildewart, and a symbolic portrait of Duwaer with the letters of the alphabet, the elementary forms square, circle and triangle in Bauhaus colors. This singular typographical achievement was printed at Duwaer's office.


81 (WERKMAN, H.N.). ACHTERBERG, Gerrit Meisje. [Groningen], In agris occupatis, 1944. 25,0 x 17,1 cm. Original wrappers. 12 p. Designed and printed by H.N. Werkman, with a 'druksel', in 110 copies. First edition. A few vague foxing spots.

€ 1200

* This is one of 10 Roman numbered copies, but not signed. Dekkers G-242. De Jong 25. Hot printing 44-g6. Simoni A 14. Volière-reeks 2.

82 (WERKMAN, H.N.). [CHARLES, J.B., pseudoniem van W.H. Nagel] Een Suite van de Zee. [Groningen, A.Th. Mooij/ WH. Nagel/ W.H. Overbeek], (1944). Original wrappers. 35,0 x 25,0 cm. (12) p. Printed in 75 copies. First edition. With a horizontal fold, a little creasing. Some little foxing spots.

€ 1650

* With a 'druksel' in 5 colors on the upper cover, one in 2 colors on page (2), and seven 'druksels' in one color on pages (3, 5, 6, 7, 8) and (11). Volière series 1. Dekkers G-241. De Jong 796. Hot printing 44-g1. Simoni N 1.

83 (WERKMAN, H.N.). [HEEROMA, K.H.] 'Zo dikwijls als ik dwalend...'. (Het doopvont/ The baptismal font). [Heerenveen], (De Blauwe Schuit, 1944). (4) p. in wrappers. Printed by hand by H.N. Werkman in 60 copies. On the cover a 'druksel' in 3 colors (collage with a photo of a baptismal font), and a one-color 'druksel' on page (1). First edition.

€ 350

* De Blauwe Schuit 38. De Jong 978. Simoni H 20. Zuithoff p. 61. Dekkers BS-38.

84 (WERKMAN, H.N.). LUTHER, Martin Das Windliecht Gottes. [Groningen], (De Blauwe Schuit, 1942). 28,0 x 19,8 cm. Original wrappers. Printed by H.N. Werkman with two 'druksels' in 100 copies. First edition. Top of cover a bit browned.

€ 850

* De Blauwe Schuit 11. De Jong 947. Simoni L 28. Hot printing 44-g6. Dekkers BS-11. Zuithoff p. 42-43 ('Werkman made a very attractive and meaningful cover print, an ark on the seas, but it might be seen likewise as a little hat on the wide water, defying wind and waves, floating on').

85 (WERKMAN, H.N.). MILLER, Henry Het heelal van de dood. Een studie over Lawrence, Proust en Joyce. (Translated into Dutch by Jacques den Haan). [Groningen], In agris occupatis, [1944]. Original wrappers. 36 p. Cover printed in red and white, designed and printed by H.N. Werkman in 200 numbered copies. Fine, tight copy.

€ 95

* Important text. Bookseller Jacques den Haan (1908-1982) was a tireless champion of Henry Miller. The printing ink of this book is never quite black but a bit purplish, probably because of wartime conditions. Volière series 9/10. Dekkers G-254. Hot printing 44-g21. De Jong 568. Simoni M 23.

86 (WERKMAN, H.N.). [NAGEL, W.H., alias J.B. CHARLES] Terzinen van de mei. [Utrecht, De Bezige Bij, 1944]. 30,7 x 21,2 cm. Diploma. Printed by H.N. Werkman with a 'druksel' in 200 copies. First edition. Fine copy.

€ 500

* Dekkers G-251. De Jong 808. Hot printing 44-g18. Simoni N 2.

87 (WERKMAN, H.N.). [NIJHOFF, M.] Bij het graf van den Nederlandschen onbekenden soldaat gevallen in de Meidagen 1940. [Groningen], (De Blauwe Schuit, 1942). Original wrappers. 24,3 x 19,0 cm. 4 p. Printed by H.N. Werkman with a 'druksel' in 100 copies (in fact 150 or 200 copies). First edition. Thread loose, but a bright copy.

€ 1400

* 'At the grave of the Dutch Unknown Soldier fallen in the days of May 1940'. With a 'druksel' in 5 colors by Werkman on the upper cover. Inside covers colored with a roller, light yellow and light blue. De Blauwe Schuit 10. Dekkers BS-10 en p. 340-347. De Jong 135. Simoni N 12. Hot printing 42-g3. Logboek p. 31. Zuithoff p. 41 ('This edition [...] has been provided by Werkman with a striking cover illustration, a stylized grave with a flame, situated in the dunes.').

88 (WERKMAN, H.N.). [NIJHOFF, M.] Des Heilands Tuin. Een Pinksterhymne. [Groningen], (De Blauwe Schuit, 1943). 4 p. + cover. Printed by H.N. Werkman in red and black in 75 copies. With a printing in one color on the cover and in two colors on p. 1. First edition. Fine copy.

€ 2000

* De Blauwe Schuit 25. De Jong 510. Simoni N 14. Hot Printing 43-g4. Logboek p. 40. Zuithoff p. 56. Dekkers BS-25.

89 (WERKMAN, H.N.). (REVIUS, Jacobus) Volherdinge. (H.N. Werkman, De Blauwe Schuit, 1944). Diploma. Printed by H.N. Werkman in 60 copies. With collage 'druksel' in 4 colors on cover, with a woodcut from Horologium devotionis circa vitam Christi (1490) by Bertholdus. Foxing.

€ 500

* De Blauwe Schuit 36. De Jong 889. Simoni R 6. Zuithoff p. 60-61 ('As far as I remember, they asked fifty cents for the publication'). Dekkers BS-36.

90 (WERKMAN, H.N.). [SCHUUR, Koos] De 7 vloeken. Poëtisch pamflet. [Groningen], In agris occupatis, 1944. 25,0 x 16,3 cm. Original wrappers. Thread is missing. (12) p. + omslag. Printed by H.N. Werkman in 110 numbered copies. With a 'druksel' in 3 colors. First edition. Bit discolored, few spots on upper cover.

€ 825

* One of 15 Roman numbered deluxe copies (this is XV), printed on Dührer-text and signed by the poet (with his characteristic flower). The colors on the cover are different from those of the ordinary copies: the effect of the rainbow printing is stronger. Volière series 4. De Jong 976. Simoni S 15. Hot printing 44-g11. Dekkers G-248.

91 (WERKMAN, H.N.). TEX, E. den In memoriam patriae. [Groningen], In agris occupatis, 1944. Original wrappers. 16 p. Printed by hand by H.N. Werkman in 150 numbered copies. With a 'druksel' in 3 colors on cover. Second edition. Cover loose and torn at the spine (in two parts). A few vague spots on lower cover.

€ 175

* Volière-reeks 8. De Jong 810. Simoni T 6. Dekkers G-250.

92 (WERKMAN, H.N.). VRIES, Hendrik de Walhalla. (Met een illustratie van de schrijver). [Groningen], De Blauwe Schuit, 1942. Original wrappers. 4 p. Printed by H.N. Werkman in 75 copies. With 'druksel' in purple and red on cover. First edition. Text paper a bit foxed.

€ 450

* De Blauwe Schuit 15. De Jong 926. Simoni V 40. Hot Printing 42-g11. Dekkers BS-15. Logboek p. 35. Zuithoff p. 44.

93 WILDE, Oscar. (Ed. Hester Travers SMITH, author of "Voices from the void") Psychic Messages from Oscar Wilde. With a preface by Sir William F. Barrett, F.R.S. London, T. Werner Laurie, [1924]. Cloth. XII, 180 p. 1e druk. Edges a bit worn. Some foxing. Name on flyleaf.

€ 65

* Messages from Oscar Wilde, conveyed to a medium after his death. With facsimiles of several manuscripts. Wilde stays well informed about modern literature: he prefers Galsworthy (slightly) to Joyce.

94 WILDE, Oscar Poems. Boston, Roberts Brothers, 1882. Decorated cloth. (8), 234 p. Endpapers with fern motif. Second edition. A little wear at top and foot. Owner's name on title page.

€ 85

* The second American edition, a very early Wilde. Nice decoration of the dark green binding: black flowers in a maze.

95 (WILP). STEENFABRIEK De Vlietberg. Without publishing data (ca. 1900-1905). Oblong 24 x 30 cm. Red cloth album with 13 original photos without any text. Album a bit worn and stained, inside fine. Library cancel stamp on inside upper cover.

€ 100

* The pictures (measuring 12 x 17 cm) show De Vlietberg brickworks on the river IJssel at Wilp, that was founded in 1881 and destroyed in 1945.

96 WORDSWORTH, William Intimations of Immortality from Recollections of Early Childhood. [Beetham, Cumbria], Simon King Press, 1991. 33 x 23 cm. Leather-backed boards. (4), 38 p. Set in 14 and 18 point Monotype Centaur and printed in 115 numbered copies. Fine copy.

€ 85

* This is one of 15 Roman numbered copies on Lana gravure paper, in a beautiful binding by Angela Thompson.

wilbur & orville

97 (WRIGHT Brothers). BIA, Geo. Les frères Wright et leur oeuvre. Rapport présenté à la Section Aeronautique de la Société Belge des Ingénieurs et Industriels. Illustré par Fox. [Liège], Imprimeries du journal La Meuse, [1909?]. 27 x 18 cm. Original illustrated wrappers. 56 p. With photos and drawings. First edition. Cover somewhat stained.

€ 200

* Rare report in French serving as advertisement for Wright Aeroplanes in Belgium. With detailed technical data.

A picture from Nr. 24 of this list

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